

The provided web content offers a curated list of SwiftUI interview questions and answers, aimed at helping both interviewers and interviewees prepare for SwiftUI developer positions.


The article on the undefined website is designed to assist individuals seeking to become SwiftUI developers or those looking to hire them. It presents a collection of common SwiftUI interview questions along with detailed answers. The questions cover a range of topics, from the use of structs for views to the integration of UIKit components in SwiftUI. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding SwiftUI's framework, its performance optimization, and the nuances of its syntax, such as the use of StateObject, ObservableObject, and EnvironmentObject. It also touches on practical aspects like debugging views with _printChanges(), using gestures, and employing GeometryReader for dynamic layouts. The content concludes by suggesting that mastery of these concepts can significantly enhance one's expertise in SwiftUI and improve the chances of success in interviews.


  • The author believes that SwiftUI's use of structs for views is superior to classes due to performance benefits and ease of managing view instances.
  • There is a clear distinction made between StateObject and ObservableObject, with the former being preferred for data persistence outside of views.
  • The order in which ViewModifiers are applied is considered important, as it affects the final appearance of the UI.
  • EnvironmentObject is highlighted as a powerful tool for sharing data across multiple views in a SwiftUI application.
  • GeometryReader is recommended for creating flexible layouts that can adapt to changes in size and location, particularly for animations.
  • The article suggests using Instruments to identify and optimize performance issues in SwiftUI apps.
  • The concept of associatedType is explained as a means to write more adaptable and reusable code within SwiftUI's View protocol.
  • Debugging in SwiftUI is mentioned to be facilitated by the _printChanges() method and view hierarchy inspection.
  • The integration of UIKit components into SwiftUI is described as achievable through the UIViewRepresentable or UIViewControllerRepresentable protocols.
  • The use of gestures in SwiftUI is presented as straightforward, with the ability to implement custom gestures if needed.
  • The author encourages readers to further explore SwiftUI and suggests following their recommendations for additional learning, implying that this will lead to a deeper understanding and better interview performance.
  • A cost-effective AI service, ZAI.chat, is recommended as an alternative to ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4), with a special offer highlighted to entice readers to try the service.

SwiftUI Interview Questions

If you want to work as a SwiftUI developer at your dream place or build a team of talented swiftUI developers, you’ve come at the right place. I’ve carefully compiled a list of SwiftUI developer interview questions for your SwiftUI interview to give you an idea of the kind of swiftUI interview questions you can ask or be asked.

SwiftUI is a User-Interface framework for iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS, It was introduced in 2019 at Apple’s WWDC event and it become popular among developer because of it’s simplicity, flexibility and seamless integration with swift programming language.

  1. Why SwiftUI uses struct for view and not class?
  • Structs are much better than classes in performance. We don’t need to worry about memory leaks and thread-safety. It’s important because SwiftUI creates views multiple times, and using struct helps us in managing these instances effectively.

2. Difference between StateObject and ObservableObject

  • ObservableObject creates and destroys itself with the view. It is bound to a view’s lifecycle. And, the StateObject persists outside views. This means that when a UI update occurs, only the UI is affected, and the StateObject retains its data.

3. Does SwiftUI ViewModifier order affect the results?

  • Yes, the order of SwiftUI ViewModifiers affects the outcome. Each modifier creates a new modified view based on the previous one. It’s like wrapping a view in a layer, the outermost view represents the final result.
  • Text(“Hello”) with padding(20) followed by frame(width: 100) will create a padded text within a 100-width frame. Reversing the order will lead to a 100-width view with padding added outside, potentially clipping the text.

4. Explain the EnvironmentObject property in SwiftUI

  • EnvironmentObject is a data source between multiple views. We can pass the EnvironmentObject in the view hierarchy, so any view in that hierarchy can access the EnvironmentObject and update that. Also, at every other place in that hierarchy where we have used the EnvironmentObject it also gets notified and updates the views.

5. Explain GeometryReader in SwiftUI

  • GeometryReader gives us the size and location of the view, so we can make a subview inside of it. This lets us create layouts that change size and location as views move around the screen. Mostly we use GeometryReader for animations.

6. How do you identify performance issue in SwiftUI app

  • We can use the instrument tools to identify performance slowdowns and optimise the performance of the app.

7. What is associatedType and how does SwiftUI use it?

  • AssociatedType is the placeholder for type. It helps us write flexible and reusable code. It’s similar to generic but the main difference between generic and associatedType is that in generic caller function knows the type, but in associatedType, caller function doesn’t know the type implementation knows
  • SwiftUI uses the associatedType in View protocol, where the body property returns an associatedType of View, meaningView can be any type of View like HStack, ZStack, or ListView.

8. How to debug a SwiftUI view?

  • We use the _printChanges() method to detect changes in View. And also we can capture the view hierarchy for inspecting the layout or getting some more information about the view.

9. How can you use UIKit components in SwiftUI?

  • We use the UIViewRepresentable or UIViewControllerRepresentable protocol to use UIKit components in SwiftUI. We have to create and update our view manually with the help of the Representable protocol’s method.

10. How to use gestures in SwiftUI?

  • We can use gestures by adding gesture modifier in view, gesture modifier accepts ‘Gesture’ protocol as argument, we can use the default SwiftUI gestures such as drag, tap, magnification and rotation, we can also add our customised gesture and use it.


It’s time to wrap up! I hope these interview questions and answers have benefited you. This blog might have enhanced your expertise in SwiftUI to the next level. The questions and answers will help you crack your SwiftUI interview.

If you want to explore more about SwiftUI, you can follow me here. It will help boost your SwiftUI knowledge and ace your interviews effortlessly.

Thank you!

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