

The web content provides an overview of managing accessibility scales in SwiftUI to create more inclusive apps for users with varying font size preferences, particularly for those who require larger text due to visual impairments.


The article discusses the importance of accessibility features in iOS, focusing on the "Display and Text Size" setting which allows users to adjust font sizes in apps. It introduces the concept of accessibility scales in SwiftUI, including the use of the dynamicTypeSize environment object to adapt view layouts based on the user's selected text size. The author guides readers through an example of how to change the layout of an app's interface to accommodate different accessibility sizes, demonstrating how to create a reusable AccessibilityView component that can toggle between normal and accessible content views. The article emphasizes the ease of implementing such components to ensure that apps are user-friendly and accessible to everyone, and encourages developers to explore further dynamic layout adjustments for improved user experience.


  • The author believes that making apps more accessible is crucial for inclusivity and user-friendliness.
  • They suggest that developers should take advantage of SwiftUI's dynamicTypeSize to create adaptive layouts that respond to accessibility settings.
  • The article conveys that creating a dedicated AccessibilityView component simplifies the process of handling different accessibility scales.
  • The author's tone implies that dynamic layout adjustments should be a standard practice in SwiftUI development for optimal user experience across all text size preferences.
  • They encourage reader engagement and feedback, indicating an openness to community input and a desire to continue exploring SwiftUI's accessibility features in future content.

SwiftUI Accessibility Size

Certainly! iOS accessibility features are designed to make Apple devices more inclusive and user-friendly for individuals with various needs and preferences. And sometimes our app designs need to manipulate the layout to make our app more friendly, such as changing from landscape view to portrait view when the user selects a very large font size.

In this story, we’ll take a look at how to manage accessibility scale in SwiftUI and create components that are easier to implement in your application. Let’s begin 😄

What is accessibility scale

In iOS, Apple provides a “Display and Text Size” setting to users, which allows them to adjust the font size of apps on their devices. To make it more convenient when using the app.

For now we have 12 scales, 7 normals size (XS-XXXL) and 5 accessibility scale (ACMedium-ACXXXL)

Accessibility Scale in SwiftUI

In swiftUI, we have a dynamicTypeSize environment object which will represent an accessibility scale in DynamicTypeSize. Which we can just check this object and use it in our view.

@Environment(\.dynamicTypeSize) var dynamicTypeSize: DynamicTypeSize

Firstly, let have some example how to use it. Let first create our example View. This view will simple have icon, title and detail.

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        HStack {
            VStack(alignment: .leading) {

    private var iconView: some View {
        Image(systemName: "globe")
    private var titleView: some View {
    private var detailView: some View {
        Text("Hello, this is example of swiftUI Accessibility")

In your Xcode Canvas, select Dynamic Type Variants. It will preview your view at all possible sizes.

What we will do next is change the icon position in the accessibility scale. We will display the icon and title on the same line and have the details displayed full width. Then use DynamicTypeSize to check this value and change the layout in the Accessibility category. Start by reading the values.

@Environment(\.dynamicTypeSize) var dynamicTypeSize: DynamicTypeSize

Then check the condition and change the layout.

if dynamicTypeSize.isAccessibilitySize {
    VStack(alignment: .leading) {
        HStack {
} else {
    HStack {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {

Finally, our view begins to change layout when sized to accessibility dimensions. Also known as AX 1–5. Easy, right?!

Make it a component

Now the final path or this story, make it a component which after this you can easily implement this without adding DynamicTypeSize in every View.

Let’s start by creating a new SwiftUI view named AccessibilityView. Then let this view accept two contents, one as normal content and the other as accessible content.

struct AccessibilityView<NormalContent:View, AccessibilityContent: View>: View {
    private let normalContent: () -> NormalContent
    private let accessibilityContent: () -> AccessibilityContent
    init(normalContent: @escaping () -> NormalContent, accessibilityContent: @escaping () -> AccessibilityContent) {
        self.normalContent = normalContent
        self.accessibilityContent = accessibilityContent
    var body: some View {

Then add the Dynamic Type Size parameter and display the content according to its value.

struct AccessibilityView<NormalContent:View, AccessibilityContent: View>: View {
    private let normalContent: () -> NormalContent
    private let accessibilityContent: () -> AccessibilityContent
    @Environment(\.dynamicTypeSize) var dynamicTypeSize: DynamicTypeSize
    init(normalContent: @escaping () -> NormalContent, accessibilityContent: @escaping () -> AccessibilityContent) {
        self.normalContent = normalContent
        self.accessibilityContent = accessibilityContent
    var body: some View {
        if dynamicTypeSize.isAccessibilitySize {
        } else {

Finally, test it!! Try replace this component in our sample view.

var body: some View {
    AccessibilityView {
        HStack {
            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
    } accessibilityContent: {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            HStack {

End of this story

In summary, I think this story will help you to more easily manage view layouts with accessibility sizes. However, I’m just checking for isAccessibility from DynamicTypeSize. You can explore it for more flexibility in your views, such as dynamic layouts for very small sizes.

Thanks for reading and I hope you guys enjoy this story. We will continue our journey with SwiftUI in the next story. Leave a comment and tell me what stories you would like to read. 😃

Accessibility Design
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