avatarKaren Madej


The text "Sun and Shadow" metaphorically explores the duality of light and darkness as representations of hope and despair in life's journey.


"Sun and Shadow" delves into the human experience of battling inner darkness, symbolized by shadowy thoughts and doubts that haunt the mind, particularly at night. It emphasizes the struggle with restlessness and negativity that can weigh one down, suggesting that by embracing positivity and love, one can dispel the shadows and greet each day with renewed energy and optimism. The text encourages readers to acknowledge and salute all aspects of life, including the challenging and the joyful, to live fully and harmoniously.


  • The author believes that shadowy thoughts can have a debilitating effect on one's energy and attitude.
  • There is an opinion that actively choosing to embody brightness can help overcome negativity and worry.
  • The text suggests that a fresh start each day, with movement and love, can lead to a joyful existence.
  • The author advocates for embracing life's contrasts, such as sun and rain, fear and love, yin and yang, as essential to a balanced life.
  • The text implies that a dynamic and positive approach to life ("With a Bang!") is preferable to a passive one.

Sun and Shadow

Bright and dark.

Shadow lurks on the periphery of consciousness

To pounce on doubt or ebbing energy

Restless legs and thoughts refusing to shut down

Start the dawn with a grim attitude

One ton of lead welded to each foot slows progress

Agitate and frustrate the shadow self

Embody brightness to rid yourself of shroud and worry

Sleep, wake fresh to the day’s promise

Movement and love flow weightless and joyful

To salute the sun of our existence

(Additional lines from Isabela Vasiliu)

Salute the sun and the rain.

Salute the fear and the love.

Salute the yin and yang.

With a Bang!

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