avatarMil H.
# Summary

A tropical individual recounts their experience of summer in Ireland, expressing that despite the country's cooler climate, the season brings the least harsh weather, allowing for lighter clothing, improved sleep, and a cheerier atmosphere.

# Abstract

In a personal letter format, the author, presumably Mil H., reflects on the unique nature of summer in Ireland from the perspective of someone accustomed to the equator's warmth. The author notes that while still chilly compared to their tropical homeland, the Irish summer stands out as a reprieve from the otherwise colder seasons. It allows for a reduction in layered clothing, comfortable sleeping conditions without the need for heating, and an increase in sunshine and general happiness across the country. The author goes as far as to declare the Irish summer as the best season of their life, emphasizing the positive impact of the seasonal change on their well-being. The piece is a response to a writing prompt by Lucy The Eggcademic and is potentially linked to a submission call for a publication on Medium titled "The Brain is a Noodle."

# Opinions

- The author finds the Irish summer to be a preferable season compared to others due to the reduced need for heavy clothing and heating.
- There is an appreciation for the increase in sunshine during this time, which seems to positively affect the mood of people around the island.
- The author humorously contrasts the Irish summer with their tropical upbringing, highlighting the relative coolness of the season despite its 'best season' status in their experience.
- The piece conveys a sense of gratitude and contentment with the Irish summer, as the author awards it the title of 'the best season of my life.'

Summer in Ireland

Writing prompt: What would your letter to summer include

Photo courtesy by Mil H.

Through the lens of a tropical boy who was born and raised on the equator.

Dear summer in Ireland,

You were still a cold period in my life.

How you’re better than other seasons:

  1. Instead of a few layer of jackets, I can tuck my body into a single piece and didn’t sweat during the day.
  2. When hitting the hay, I partly wrap my body with a duvet and no longer need the heating.

Best of all,

You let everyone have more sunshine and wear more smiles around the island.

Therefore, I award you — the best season of my life.

Yours truly,

Mil H.

Thank you for the prompt Lucy The Eggcademic (she/her)

Here is the guideline if you like to write for this prompt,

Writing Prompts
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