

Suicide — The Rights and Wrongs of Suicide

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Support More, Judge Less To Prevent Suicide

Recently, a heartbreaking story has been circulating on social media: A young girl chose to commit suicide because of a broken relationship. This incident has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life, as well as sparked a discussion on the act of suicide itself. In this essay, I will take a new perspective to identify the right and wrong of suicidal behaviour and illustrate its concerns for the target audience.

Negative Social Consequences of Suicide Suicidal behaviour not only causes irreparable harm to the individual but also has a range of negative impacts on society. In the case of this girl’s suicide, for example, no matter what the reason was, her passing away would have brought great pain and sorrow to her family, friends and loved ones. At the same time, for those who have had similar experiences to hers, such behaviour may serve as a false example and even lead them to imitate it.

from web World Health Organization (WHO)

In fact, according to a survey by the World Health Organisation, about 800,000 people lose their lives to suicide every year, and behind every suicide lies the grief of at least six family members and close friends.

The chain reaction triggered by suicide will not only cause irreparable harm to individuals and families but will also have a negative impact on society as a whole. Therefore, we must be vigilant and think deeply about the rights and wrongs of suicidal behaviour.

The Right to Choose Suicide and Mental Health However, when we discuss suicide, we cannot ignore an important factor: An individual’s mental health. In some specific cases, suicide may be a trade-off choice rather than a mere mistake.

According to the American Psychological Association, more than 17 million Americans face mental health distress each year, and many of them may feel hopeless about their lives.

from Bernama

Suicide is often the result of despair and a reflection of deteriorating mental health. For these troubled people, suicide may be the only relief they see. Therefore, we cannot simply categorise the selectivity of suicide as a mistake but should focus more on the mental health of the individual.

Solutions to suicide: mental health education and social support To reduce the incidence of suicide, we should pay more attention to the importance of mental health education and social support. By providing mental health-related training and counselling services, we can help people to better cope with the challenges and stresses in their lives.

Research has shown that an increase in mental health education and social support can significantly reduce suicide rates.

Suicide is not a problem that can be solved by a single individual, but requires more attention and support from the community. By strengthening mental health education and providing more social support, we can create more choices for suicidal people and help them come out of their difficulties.

In-depth Discussion on the Right and Wrong of Suicide Suicide is a highly complex and sensitive topic that we should think about and discuss from multiple perspectives. Although suicidal behaviour may have extremely negative impacts on individuals and society, we also need to pay attention to the mental health and the right of choice of individuals in specific situations. By strengthening mental health education and social support, we can provide more possible choices for suicidal individuals and help them get out of their difficulties.

from rileychildrens

It is hoped that the discussion in this paper will stimulate more people to think about the issue of suicide, promote the importance of mental health in society, and provide more support and help to people experiencing difficulties.

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Suicide Prevention
Caring For Others
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