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Success Through Substitution

We can often find ourselves wrestling with habits, beliefs, and behaviors that ultimately hinder our growth and success. It’s a near universal human experience to face challenges, set-backs and periods where we feel like we’re “losing”, but with the power of Substitution and unlearning and relearning, we can begin to win more matches than we lose.

Photo by Abidemi Kusimo on Unsplash

Substitute multitasking (which is a farce) with focused, deep work.

If you don’t know about the little tomato, it’s time to learn. Multitasking may seem like a badge of honor, (I certainly used to wear it proudly) but it’s a productivity killer, and ruins your capacity for retention. Replace it with focused, deep work using techniques like Pomodoro, (Tomato in Italian). Dedicate short, intense bursts of effort to a single task, followed by brief breaks. This method enhances concentration and yields better results. The power of undivided attention is truly transformative.

Photo by Alex Ghizila on Unsplash

Substitute a fixed mindset with a growth mindset.

Swap out a fixed mindset, which says abilities are set in stone, ingrained, inherited or otherwise unchanging, with a growth mindset.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Embrace challenges, learn from failures, and believe in your ability to develop new skills and talents. Everyone can do that, don’t use this limiting belief as a crutch for life, or life will pass you by.

Substitute being finished product focused with being process focused.

Instead of dwelling on the finished product, the research paper, the calculus class, the deadline at work, focus instead on the process. Things you’re doing towards that end goal. The kind of person you are emerging into, that does that work. By focusing on the process rather than the product you get rid of the negative judging of yourself, calls to distraction procrastination and the stress of “Am I closer to *insert end goal * yet?” Begin to enjoy the process of becoming and watch what you’re able to accomplish.

Substitute procrastination with prioritization and routine protection.

Figure out what your cues are and the things that make you want to do your worst procrastination techniques,(for me that is getting lost browsing my phone, not even realizing how much time has passed) and replace them with something else. Acknowledge the want to distract yourself into a familiar, yet unproductive comfort, and then let it wash over you.

Laugh in the face of the voice that tells you “just check your phone one time”, set a timer and work on the “new you” til it goes off. Protect this new ritual that is “new you” supportive, hide your phone, and then reward yourself for maintaining focus for “x” amount of time. Watch as procrastination begins to slowly pack it’s bags.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Substitute running from feedback with looking for constructive feedback.

Constructive is the operative word here this one was definitely hard for me, especially as a child/teenager!

Feedback (especially from those who have done what you hope to do) is a valuable source of growth. It’s why companies and businesses perform market research, because feedback is important. It allows us to rethink our perspectives, practice our skills of discernment and make valuable tweaks.

Namely, it allows you to grow by opening yourself up to other perspectives and adding just a hint of stress of performing, which helps you build resiliency. Substitute the fear of feedback with an eagerness to receive constructive criticism. Like I tell my son “almost all pros had to start as noobs at one point in time, there’s no shame in looking at a manual, then get out there and practice.”

Photo by Hassan Pasha on Unsplash

Substitute lack of quality sleep with consistent 7-9 hours of sleep.

In a world that glorifies sleep deprivation… don’t listen, adequate sleep fuels your mind and body.

Sleep is non-negotiable for a healthy, productive life. Replace sleep avoidance with a consistent sleep schedule of 7-9 hours. A well-rested mind is more creative, focused, and capable of tackling challenges.

Sleep is not a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Substitute lack of movement with movement.

Here’s a truth, still water becomes stagnant, stagnation breeds pestilence, as Leonardo da vinci said

“Just as iron rusts from disuse, and stagnant water putrefies, or when cold turns to ice, so our intellect wastes unless it is kept in use.”

Lack of movement in mind or body causes disease, keep moving, keep growing. Go out and walk, move during your lunch break, READ. I promise you won’t regret it.

Substitute relying on a million cups of coffee with 1-2 (better yet tea) followed by water, water, water.

While coffee has its perks, it also has its crashes, low sustaining potential, and acid reflux, don’t overdo it. Proper hydration keeps your mind sharp and your body functioning optimally.

Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

Substitute "going with the flow" a.k.a not setting clear goals/direction with setting SMART goals.

Success requires direction. Replace the aimless "going with the flow" attitude with setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals. Having clear objectives provides a roadmap to follow, and a plan to evaluate.

You need a plan, chart your path.

Substitute negative self-talk with the inverse…positive self talk.

Your inner dialogue shapes your reality. Swap out negative self-talk with positivity. Practice self-compassion and affirm your abilities. A confident mindset empowers you to overcome challenges, and keep on keeping on, you deserve all of that love, give it.

Substitute marathon studying/cramming sessions with shorter focused work and breaks for rejuvenation and better retention

Long cramming sessions are ineffective and exhausting. Opt for shorter, focused work intervals with brief breaks. This approach enhances retention and prevents burnout. Also, if you ingrain the mindset a little bit everyday, you’ll find your “need” for cramming sessions, lessens more and more.

Substitute being a know it all with a commitment to lifelong learning.

Nobody likes a know it all. No seriously. There is absolutely no way you know it all, and if you’re saying you do more than likely you don’t know much. Success is not about knowing everything, it’s about the willingness to learn continuously. Substitute the know-it-all mentality with a commitment to lifelong learning. Embrace new knowledge and skills with enthusiasm.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Substitute being busy with knowing when to be still

Ignoring mental well-being is a no, mindfulness is a must.

Busyness does not equate to productivity or happiness. Swap out being overly busy with knowing when to be still. Prioritize your mental well-being through mindfulness practices like meditation and self-reflection.

Substitute victimhood with personal power

I get it, people have wronged you. Life hasn’t always been easy, matter of fact, sometimes it’s been down right hard. I get it, I truly do, and it’s not okay, I’m not saying you don’t deserve to gripe about it a bit, cry, hold people accountable… but at some point you need to decide to heal. Stop playing the victim.

Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash

Substitute this mindset with gratitude adoption. Focus on the positives in your life, even during challenging times. Shift your focus from what you lack to what you have. Gratitude enhances resilience and attracts more positivity.

*Tip. Everyone’s the victim sometimes, but the trick is not to stay there. If you need more support and help.

Substitute fomo with jomo

FOMO, the fear of missing out, can lead to constant distraction and dissatisfaction. Replace it with JOMO, the “joy of missing out”.

Embrace the peace that comes from being present in the moment and savoring your choices.

You are in control.

Knowing what to say yes and no to will help with fomo. What you say yes to is often really saying no to a number of other things. Choose wisely.

Ask —

What’s the cost of saying ‘Yes’? Am I really missing out on something more valuable?

What is most valuable to me at this moment?

Substitute powerlessness (running away from accountability with) personal power adoption (accountability)

Take ownership of your actions and choices. Swap out feelings of powerlessness with personal power adoption! Be accountable for your decisions AND their consequences.

Substitute avoiding people like the plague with building and maintaining better relationships.

Human connection is vital for personal and professional success. Substitute the habit of avoiding people (I’m speaking to myself here) with a commitment to building and maintaining better relationships. Networking and collaboration can open doors to new opportunities.

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

Success through substitution is about rewiring your habits and mindset for a brighter future. By unlearning what holds you back and switching them to more effective strategies, one substitution at a time, you can begin to build the better life you want. 💚

Personal Development
Personal Growth
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