Deep dive with SSL certificates
I figured that I never really understood certificates the way I want to, but knowing about them is of paramount importance to any software developer. This article is my effort to do a deep dive on certificates lifecycle. I am not sorry the length of the article as I have tried to move slow and explain myself every nuances of the process. Still interested?
Grab a coffee and let’s start.
The end idea is that how can we create a mechanism by which a server and a client can establish a secured connection so that they can talk to each other.
Now it is not easy as it might sound like. The process of establishing a secured channel between a server and a client involves in creating an encrypted connection between the server and the client, so that any one sitting in between the server and the client may not know what is going on, as because the connection is encrypted, they only see scrambled data, unless they have a way to parse the data and see what is going on.
Types of encryption
There are 2 types of encryption mechanism used today.
Here the encryption and decryption is done using the same key. Though it sounds like a easy way to achieve encryption, the real pain is the distribution of the encryption key from the one who in encrypting to the one who needs to decrypt the data.
This is a simple technique and the encryption can be done quickly.
We will not discuss this type of encryption in this article.
Here the encryption is done using a key and decryption is done using another key, hence asymmetric.
The 2 keys are mathematically related. The encryption takes more time compared to the earlier process.
SSL encryption security works on asymmetric encryption, which is also called public-key cryptography/encryption. Asymmetric encryption works on two cryptographic keys, i.e., the public key and the private key. It is the basis of PKI(Public Key Infrastructure)
The private key is private to the one who is wanting to send data out in the public. The public key is shared to the world. Data encrypted using private key can only be decrypted using the public key and vice versa. This is how the distribution issue is avoided in asymmetric encryption mechanism.
The life cycle of SSL certificates
We will take a case study and discuss each and every step on how to use SSL and why that step is important.
Step 1 : Generate public private key
Let’s say Tom has a website and he wants to implement SSL to secure his website. In order to do so, he will first first generate 2 keys.
- Private key : This key stays with the website and never exposed. The server will use this key to encrypt data and send forward for the clients.
openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
- Public key : This key is exposed to the outer world and is used by the clients of Tom’s website.
openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem
Well, great. Tom is happy as he does not need to share his private key and the clients can use his website’s public key to decrypt the data, the website sends.
Now here is another problem. How does the users of Tom’s website know that it is actually Tom’s website. What is stopping other wrong doers create another website just like Tom’s and host it. The users may mistakenly go to the other website and provide their credentials and so on.
Here is where the Certificate Authorities come in. They are kind of authorities who represent Tom’s website to the outer world so that users can trust that it is actually Tom’s website they are visiting. The Certificate Authorities are well known organizations which are also known to all the internet.
Step 2. Generate a CSR
To get the get Tom’s certificate certified, we need to ask an authority( There are so many available like Godaddy, Verisign, Norton etc) by creating a CSR request(Certificate Signing Request). The CSR file needs to be generated by the user, so here Tom uses his private key to generate a CSR.
This is how the CSR can be generated.
openssl req -new -key private.pem -out certificate.csr
Here there will be number of question we need to answer, like:
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:New Jersey
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Maple Shade
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:Tech
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []
Email Address []:...
After all these questions answered, we will get a .csr file(Here certificate.csr).
The certificate.csr file is not the certificate which Tom can use in his website. It is the digital form( A standard way) of submitting a certificate signing request.
The most common format for CSR is the PKCS #10 specification; another is the Signed Public Key and Challenge SPKAC format generated by some web browsers.
This CSR file needs to be sent to a Certificate Authority of choice, who after verifying a lot of stuff will provide with a certificate, which can be used by Tom in his website.
Step 2: Apply for a CSR(Certificate Signing Request)
After getting the CSR from Tom the certificate authority makes a number of tasks. Here is a link to view the roles of a certificate authority. Here are some major ones:
1) Receive, authenticate, process certificate revocation requests.
2) Identify, authenticate subscribers, here Tom’s certificate and its authenticity.
3) Obtain public key from subscriber, here the public key from Tom’s certificate.
4) Verify subscriber has the asymmetric private key corresponding to the public key.
After all verification is done the Certificate Authority will finally provide the certificate(Typically in .crt format) which Tom can use for this website. The Certificate Authority charges Tom for the service they did and also gives a date till when the certificate is valid. After that Tom again needs to get a new certificate.
A few concepts
So what is a certificate?
A certificate is nothing but a simple document containing the public key and some information about the organization who is creating the certificate.
We can see the certificate in raw for using the openssl library. Assuming the openssl library is installed in the host machine, run this:
susamn@vulcan ~ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect
depth=2 C = IE, O = Baltimore, OU = CyberTrust, CN = Baltimore CyberTrust Root
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN = Cloudflare Inc ECC CA-3
verify return:1
depth=0 C = US, ST = California, L = San Francisco, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN =
verify return:1
Certificate chain
0 s:C = US, ST = California, L = San Francisco, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN =
i:C = US, O = "Cloudflare, Inc.", CN = Cloudflare Inc ECC CA-3
... more contents
The certificate is between — — -BEGIN CERTIFICATE — — — and — — -END CERTIFICATE — . It is encoded data.
Certificate Encodings
At it’s core an x.509(The standard for defining public key certificates) certificate that is encoded and/or digitally signed according to RFC 5280.
There is a lot of confusion about what DER, PEM, CRT, and CER are and many have incorrectly said that they are all interchangeable. While in certain cases some can be interchanged the best practice is to identify how the certificate is encoded and then label it correctly.
Encodings (also used as extensions)
- .DER = The DER extension is used for binary DER encoded certificates. These files may also bear the CER or the CRT extension. Proper English usage would be “I have a DER encoded certificate” not “I have a DER certificate”.
- .PEM = The PEM extension is used for different types of X.509v3 files which contain ASCII (Base64) armored data prefixed with a “ — — BEGIN …” line.
Certificate Manipulations
View PEM encoded certificate
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -text -noout
openssl x509 -in cert.cer -text -noout
openssl x509 -in cert.crt -text -noout
View DER encoded Certificate
openssl x509 -in certificate.der -inform der -text -noout
openssl x509 -in cert.crt -outform der -out cert.der
openssl x509 -in cert.crt -inform der -outform pem -out cert.pem
What is a signature?
A signature of a certificate is a piece of data inside the certificate which is the only thing that is used to validate the integrity and validity of the certificate.
We discussed that in Asymmetric Encryption one key encrypts and another key decrypts. This helped us in the issue of distribution of the key.
Now here is another problem.
When Tom sends a CSR(The public key inside it) to the Certificate Authority, how can the Certificate Authority validate it is actually Tom? Anyone can send a CSR, really. Think for a while.
The first check the CSR need to do before doing all other checks is that it is actually Tom who sent this CSR right? and the only way to do it is to know the user(Here it is Tom) who is sending the CSR owns the private key of the public key in the CSR.
In order to help in the above said verification process, the signature is used. In anywhere:
Signature = encrypted with private key ( The checksum of the certificate itself in the mentioned algorithm)
The verifier needs to decrypt the signature by the provided public key in the certificate to get the checksum. Then the verifier will calculate the checksum of the cert itself. These 2 checksum must match to ascertain the integrity and validity of the user sending the certificate.
Every CSR or certificate will have a signature section. Here is the signature of the CSR we generated in Step 2.
The certificate authority on getting the CSR will do the same to validate that it is actually, Tom who is sending the CSR.
The verification of a certificate is done in the same way everywhere using the signature and it does not depend on the certificate. After verifying all the verifiable, the certificate authority then is ready to sign Tom’s certificate.
What is self signed certificate?
Self signed certificates are those which are signed by the user itself. In our example, if Tom signs his own certificate, then it is a self signed certificate. With the csr file in our hand we can very easily generate a self signed certificate:
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in certificate.csr -signkey private.pem -out server.crt
Self signed certificates are only used in test and development as there is no need to go to a Certificate Authority and pay them money. It is never used in production environment as they are very easy targets of the MITM(Man-In-The-Middle) attacks.
Step 3: The certificate authority signs the certificate
Now here is the question, what does it mean to sign a certificate?
Signing simply means that the certificate authority has verified the certificate, (here Tom’s certificate) and it can now vouch for Tom’s certificate’s authenticity. After signing the CA provides a certificate to the user, here Tom.
In order to sign, the certificate authority
- Calculates the checksum of Tom’s certificate(in Pic 1) using some algorithm.
- Encrypts the checksum using it’s (The certificate authority’s) private key
- Adds the encrypted checksum in Tom’s certificate as a signature.
- Adds it’s own information/metadata(The certificate authority’s) in the certificate
After this process the certificate is created and the Certificate Authority hands the certificate to Tom and it looks like this.
If we expand the CloudFlare Inc ECC CA-3 we will see it’s own information. It has it’s public key, validity(From and to) and so much more.
The Certificate Authority(CloudFlare Inc ECC CA-3) also has it’s private key which key keep secret and uses the same to create the signature for Tom’s certificate.
Notice, as this certificate authority(CloudFlare Inc ECC CA-3) certifies’s certificate that is why the subject name of Pic 5 matches with the Pic 2 issuer name.
But hang on a second. Why does the Certificate Authority(CloudFlare Inc ECC CA-3) has a signature also(Highlighted in blue in Pic 5). Is someone also certifying CloudFlare CA?
Some more concepts…
Root Certificate and Intermediate Certificate
As it turns out, I lied. The real pic 4 is this:
There is another Certificate Authority on top of CloudFlare(Who certifies This is the Root Certificate Authority. Here in this case the Root Certificate authority is Baltimore Cybertrust Root(Root CAs generally have Root at the end of their name to make them obvious)
Root certificate also works exactly the same way. Just like CloudFlare Certificate Authority signed’s certificate using it’s private key, the Root Certificate Authority(Here Baltimore Cybertrust Root) uses it’s private key to sign CloudFlare’s certificate, Pic 5.
If we open the Certificate of the Root(Baltimore Cybertrust Root) we will see this:
Note, here the issuer and the certifier is the same, so the Root Certificate Authority does not need any other entity to certify themselves. The self sign their certificate(Uses own private key to sign) to make the signature(Highlighted purple)
This is another way to identify whether it is a ROOT or Intermediate certificate. See the issue and subject section, if they are same then it is a ROOT otherwise Intermediate.
Root Certificates like this are the center of PKI. They are sacred and at the center of the trust model.
Every device comes with a so-called root store. A root store is a collection of pre-downloaded root certificates, along with their public keys, that reside on the device. Devices use either the root store built in to its operating system, or a third-party root store via an application like a web browser. The root stores are part of root programs, like the ones from Microsoft, Apple, Google and Mozilla.
Any certificate signed with its private key will be automatically trusted by the browsers. A trusted root certificate is a special kind of X.509 digital certificate that can be used to issue other certificates like CloudFlare here.
Root certificates sign intermediate certificates and intermediate certificates sign users( certificate.
While the intermediate certificates have shot validity of 1–3 years, root cerficates have long lifespan. Notice the Baltimore Cybertrust Root is valid for 25 years.
Where is root certificates in my system?
In Windows, go to -> Manage user certificates
In MAC go to -> KeyChain Access
In Ubuntu, go to -> /etc/ssl/certs
Why do we need intermediate CAs?
Now here is a valid question. Why do we need intermediate CA like CloudFlare. Why not certify via the Root CA always. Surely that can done, right?
Yes that surely can be done, but remember Root certificates are invaluable and few in numbers. If they have to certify all the businesses in the world, they will be overwhelmed in no time. Root CAs have to do a lot of scrutiny and put a lot of effort to keep their private keys unobtainable.
That is the reason Root Certificates delegate the responsibility to other CA’s like CloudFlare to certify common business certificates.
This type of responsibility is called certificate chaining. In RFC5280 this is called “Certification Path”. This process can be repeated several times, where an intermediate root signs another intermediate and finally to sign an end entity certificate
Here is the certificate chain of medium as of June 15, 2021.
How do application code use certificates?
In Java we have 2 files:
keystore.jks : This file contains the server certificate including the private key of the server(like Tom’s website server). The keystore file is protected with a password, initially changeit. This file can be externally provided in the JVM arguments using
cacerts ($JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts): This file is the one containing all the root certificates and their public keys.
Using the most popular package, requests:
Python looks inside these files:
We can use REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE variable to point a new location.
For a different certificate store to be used, we can specify like this:
requests.get(url, verify="/path/to/cert")
Golang: According to
Here are the locations which is used by Golang.
"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" // Debian/Ubuntu/Gentoo etc.
"/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt" // Fedora/RHEL 6
"/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem" // OpenSUSE
"/etc/pki/tls/cacert.pem" // OpenELEC
"/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem" // CentOS/RHEL 7
"/etc/ssl/cert.pem" // Alpine Linux
What is SSL handshake process?
All SSL certificate work on TCP protocol to send data over internet. SSL follows a handshake process which sets up a secure connection between the client and the server. The process is as follows:
- After the TCP connection is established, the client starts a workflow to achieve a secured channel. First the client sends the SSL version, Cipher suites and compression method it supports, to the server.
- The server sends the highest and most recent SSL version back which is supported by both the server and the client. The server also selects the compression method and cipher suite from client’s response.
- After this, the server sends the certificate (with it’s public key) to the client.
- The client validates the certificate using the certificate chain from it’s own certificate store.
- After the validation on certificate, the client generates a pre-master secret, encrypts with the server public key and sends.
- The server gets the encrypted pre-master key and decrypts using it’s own private key.
- Both parties agree on a cipher suite and generate the session key which is symmetric.
- Finally both client and server exchanges encrypted messages establishing secured channel.
Finally we achieve the secured connection with the server. Phew !!! it was a journey. :)