avatarPoonam Vashist


The web content discusses strategies for overcoming overthinking to improve mental well-being and daily functioning.


The article titled "Stop Spiraling, Start Thriving" addresses the common issue of overthinking, which can lead to negative thought patterns, emotional distress, and decreased productivity. It emphasizes the importance of breaking free from this cycle to live a happier, more fulfilling life. The author shares personal experiences of being overwhelmed by thoughts and emotions, and how this impacted their physical and mental health. The article outlines a series of steps taken by the author to combat overthinking, including mindfulness meditation, setting boundaries, journaling, engaging in hobbies, positive self-talk, physical activity, limiting information intake, practicing gratitude, letting go of control, and fostering open communication. These strategies are presented as a means to achieve greater peace, balance, and a calmer mind.


  • Overthinking is portrayed as a significant barrier to happiness and productivity, creating a whirlwind of thoughts that can seem impossible to escape.
  • The author believes that overthinking can be managed and that individuals have the power to change their thought patterns through conscious effort and self-help techniques.
  • Mindfulness meditation is highly recommended as a tool for becoming more aware of and detached from one's thoughts and emotions.
  • Setting personal boundaries around the time spent dwelling on issues is suggested as a method to prevent overthinking from taking over one's life.
  • Journaling is considered valuable for gaining clarity and identifying patterns in one's thoughts.
  • Engaging in hobbies and activities that require full attention is encouraged to divert the mind from unnecessary rumination.
  • Positive self-talk and self-compassion are emphasized as important for personal growth and overcoming self-doubt.
  • Regular physical activity is seen as beneficial for stress reduction and emotional regulation.
  • Limiting exposure to information overload, such as news or social media, is advised to reduce triggers for overthinking.
  • Practicing gratitude is presented as a way to counteract negative thought patterns and focus on the present.
  • Letting go of the need to control outcomes is believed to bring a profound sense of peace and acceptance.
  • Open communication is favored over internalizing thoughts and emotions, as it can clear mental clutter and foster calmness.

Stop Spiraling, Start Thriving

Break free from negative patterns and live happily

Photo by Rebe Pascual on Unsplash

Do you find yourself getting stuck in negative thoughts and overwhelming emotions?

Do you feel like your mind is playing tricks and creating situations and problems which doesn't even exist?

Do you ever experience having an inner critic that makes you doubt yourself and your choices?

That’s what happens when you get caught up in overthinking, getting stuck in a whirlwind of thoughts.

Overthinking is when your mind takes small fears and worries and makes them seem much scarier than they really are. It’s like a broken record that keeps playing the same worries over and over, without offering any new solutions, just more questions.

Sometimes, we obsessively analyze things, hoping we can change the outcome, but usually, it’s just an illusion.

All that constant thinking can make daily life hard and even mess up your routine, so you have trouble having peaceful times.

There’s a way to break free from this pattern and start thriving, which means feeling your best and doing well every day.

Overthinking is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but gets you nowhere.

I was always overwhelmed by situations and emotions. It didn’t help me at all. The more I tried to stop these thoughts and feelings, the more they seemed to control me, like a never-ending cycle.

I noticed that I was stuck in a pattern where I was thinking too much and it was making me tired. I was spending too much time worrying instead of having fun, doing things I love, or getting work done. I wasn’t being as productive as I wanted to be, and I couldn’t fully enjoy each day.

It was affecting me physically and mentally. I wasn’t at my best. But, when I realized I needed to fix things, everything started getting better. It began with one thought to make things right because I felt like I was in pieces, and I knew I had to help myself.

Don’t let overthinking and doubt hold you back. Embrace uncertainty and let it fuel your future success

My journey to overcome my overthinking and taming my monkey mind started with self-reflection. It all began when I realized that my habit of overthinking was taking a toll on my overall well-being. Subsequently, I chose to take a few steps that have positively impacted me in countless ways:

Mindfulness Meditation

I decided to practice mindfulness meditation regularly. This helped me become more aware of my thoughts and emotions as they arose, allowing me to observe them without judgment.

Setting Boundaries

I learned to set boundaries with myself, especially when it came to time spent overthinking. I decided to limit how long I would dwell on a particular issue before moving on.


Keeping a journal became a valuable tool for me. I wrote down my thoughts and feelings, which helped me gain clarity and often allowed me to identify patterns in my thinking.

Engaging in Hobbies

I actively pursued hobbies and activities that I enjoyed and that required my full attention. This helped divert my mind from overthinking.

Positive Self-Talk

I practiced self-compassion and positive self-talk. Instead of being critical of myself, I consciously chose to be kind and understanding toward my own struggles.

Physical Activity

Regular exercise became an integral part of my routine. It not only reduced stress but also helped me manage my thoughts and emotions better.

Limiting Information Intake

I recognized that information overload from the news or social media triggered my overthinking. I decided to limit my exposure to these sources.


I made an effort to focus on the present moment and practice gratitude for the things I had in my life, which helped counteract negative thought patterns.

Letting Go

When I released my need to control situations and outcomes, I came to the realization that I can only do my best, and the final result isn’t something I can dictate. This shift in perspective brought me a profound sense of peace.

Open Communications

Rather than dwelling on situations, I realized it was more productive to have an open discussion with someone I harbored grudges against. I learned that holding onto thoughts and emotions only adds to the mental clutter and makes it harder to stay calm.

Overcoming overthinking was not an overnight process, and I still have moments when my mind starts to wander. However, by implementing these strategies and staying committed to my personal growth, I have been able to find greater peace and balance in my life.

Ending thoughts

Remember that your mind is a powerful tool, but it’s up to you to guide it towards productive and positive thoughts. Overthinking may have been a challenge, but with practice and patience, you can learn to harness the strength of your mind to create a happier and more peaceful life.

So, take a deep breath, let go of unnecessary worries, and embrace the present moment. Your journey to a calmer mind and a brighter future starts with the decision to stop overthinking.

With boundless love and unwavering positivity. ✨

© Poonam Vashist 2023

Life Lessons
Better Living
Happy Life
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