avatarLeah Prior


The article advocates for focusing on living a meaningful life rather than fixating on finding a singular life purpose.


The pursuit of life's purpose is a question that has long been posed to individuals, often creating undue pressure to have a clear direction from a young age. The article suggests that this search for purpose can be limiting and lead to a sense of stagnation. Instead, it proposes that seeking meaning in life's everyday moments can be more fulfilling and less restrictive. Meaning is found in the contributions one makes to the lives of others and society at large, in the joy of hobbies, and in the connections with loved ones. It is through these intentional actions and experiences that a more authentic and generous life can be lived, free from the constraints of a predetermined purpose.


  • The author believes that the societal pressure to define one's purpose can lead to procrastination and a narrow focus that overlooks new opportunities and passions.
  • It is posited that the pursuit of purpose often serves the ego and an image one wants to project, whereas meaning is derived from impactful actions and contributions to the world.
  • The article emphasizes that meaning can be discovered in the present, in acts of kindness, and in the simplicity of daily life, rather than in grand achievements.
  • By focusing on a meaningful existence, individuals can lead a more connected and fulfilling life, appreciating roles such as being a parent, lover, or friend.
  • The author suggests that a meaningful life can naturally lead to an authentic purpose, one that is aligned with making a positive impact on others and the world.

Stop Looking for Your Purpose and Start Seeing What Your Life Means

dominik hofbauer (@dominikhofbauer) | Unsplash Photo Community

People have been asking us about our purpose in life since we were young. It’s a question intertwined with “What do you want to be when you’re older?” or “When you grow up, what do you want to do?” It creates pressure to know what we want to do or be from an early age. But what if you don’t know? The pressure can lead to overwhelming stagnation and procrastination. Chasing a purpose can restrict our options and keep you from finding better paths. Limiting yourself to a goal can hinder your life. I believe finding your life’s meaning is more important than your purpose.

We are riding the rollercoaster of life.

Our lives are full of peaks and troughs, and our goals and aspirations often change as we grow and evolve. We no longer desire what we wanted at 10, like wanting to be an astronaut, when we are 20. Focusing on our perceived purpose may cause us to overlook new experiences, opportunities, and passions waiting for us. We also face disappointment when our life and circumstances deviate from THE plan. Be open to change and discovery, as the options are limitless.

The purpose is intertwined with the image we want to project.

Pursuing a purpose often feeds our ego. We focus on what we want to achieve, how we want to be seen, and what we want to be known for. In contrast, meaning doesn’t need to be sought after; it results from our intentional actions. It’s about our impact on others, our contribution to society, and how we can help make the world better. Searching for our meaning, not our purpose, allows us to be more generous and less inward-facing.

Meaning hides in the moments.

When we shift our focus away from a specific purpose or goal, we can appreciate the exquisiteness and significance of everyday moments. We can find meaning in acts of kindness, spending time with loved ones, and pursuing hobbies and interests that bring us happiness. It’s not about accomplishing grandiose goals but finding worth in the present moment. It is also here that our most authentic self lives away from the preconceptions of others.

Pursuing meaning leads to a fulfilled life.

When we focus on living a meaningful life, we open ourselves to endless possibilities. We can connect with others, expand our knowledge, and enjoy simplicity. Seeking meaning can lead to a more fulfilling life than just focusing on a paycheck. When we push away ideals, we can relish being a parent, a lover or a friend.

You can find purpose through meaning- and come full circle.

While purpose is often associated with an obvious goal or direction, we can also find it in a meaningful life. We find authentic purpose in our actions when striving to positively impact others and the world.

So the next time you ask yourself why you are here or, “What is my purpose?” remember that life is much more than attaining a specific goal. Instead, focusing on living as authentically as possible, as much as possible, and you will have a much more meaningful existence.

Self Improvement
Meaning Of Life
Self Help
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