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Stone Totem

Keeping the sun rising

Photo by Author

I remember when we came here to the windy seashore in spring… an early visit to see mermaids and washed up treasure, he said.

The sea monsters stayed away in their dark briny basement, but the mermaids spied on us. I thought then, in whimsy, we could almost glimpse them, beautiful on the distant black rocks.

Certainly I found treasure that day in the cool spring air and sunshine and the cold water curling my toes and the quiet holding of hands.

— — — — — — — — — ֎ — — — — — — — — — -

None of that magic’s here now. I sit by myself on pebbled sand, It’s just me and a strange stone totem, enigmatic and quiet, perched next to me on the remotest part of the beach.

You’re a lucky thing, I imagine, not some discarded flea market find. Why be here if you’re not really some mouthpiece of the dead or some kind of wise elder god waiting for me to find you?

My own God is telling me nothing and won’t bring him back, or just let me fade away, but maybe you can tell me how to keep the sun rising and how to keep the darkness out of my broken heart.



Originally published at https://vocal.media.

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Originally published at https://vocal.media.

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