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The article discusses Steve Jobs' Reality Distortion Field (RDF) mindset and how it can be used to achieve success.


The article begins by describing a story from the book "Steve Jobs" by Walton Isaacson, which highlights Steve Jobs' exceptional leadership skills and never-give-up attitude. The author then introduces the concept of RDF, which was coined by Bud Tribble

Steve Jobs’ Mindset for Success (Adopt it and Achieve the Impossible)

The Blueprint for Crafting Your Dream Life

Photo by Md Mahdi on Unsplash

“Steve Jobs” by Walton Isaacson is one of my all-time favorite books.

This book is packed with stories of Steve Jobs’ rollercoaster life and how his exceptional leadership skills and his intense personality turned him into a tech world legend.

But, There’s one story in this book that totally blew my mind. One day, a French associate’s wife decides to drop by the Apple factory. She’s curious about how things work there and how workers are treated.

However, she wasn’t very pleased with the working conditions and she didn’t hesitate to voice her complaints.

Well, that didn’t sit too well with Steve. He got into his Rolls Royce, fired it up, and rushed away from her at 100 mph. But he didn’t get too far before he got pulled over by the traffic police.

While the cop was charging him giving an earful for overspeeding. He honked his horn and said “I am in a hurry” and drove away.

You might think that’s rude or arrogant, but when you read the book it all starts to make sense. This incident shows that he didn’t care about society’s rules or bow down to anyone’s expectations.

And that’s just the beginning, this book is full of stories that highlight his never-give-up attitude. Also, there are many instances where the author mentions a fascinating concept called Reality Distortion field (RDF) that Steve used throughout his life not only to build Apple into a tech world giant but also to motivate his employees to give their absolute best.

What is RDF

Back in 1981, Bud Tribble coined the term Reality Distortion Field (RDF).

He used it to describe the magnetic charisma and unwavering determination of Steve Jobs. It isn’t some super complex idea. It shows that anyone can reshape their external reality by changing their inner reality i.e. their thoughts.

Filter your mind from all the negativity that clouds your judgment- doubts, insecurities, or anything that casts a shadow on your beliefs. Instead of stressing about your future, imagine you have already crushed it. In simple words, Create an illusion in your mind that you are winning.

Rdf allows you to bend your reality at your will by changing your perception.

Rdf is mindset

Steve wasn’t the only one who adopted this mindset.

Several influential people in history who revolutionized the world with their big, wild ideas have used this mindset. Like, Henry Ford, who would have thought a four-wheeled machine could become a global mode of transport?

It was his unshakable belief that made this a reality and brought revolution in the transportation sector.

And also who could have imagined, that a simple, small device in your pocket could transform into a personal computer? Steve Jobs envisioned it and made it a reality.

What if Steve shrugged off his idea and thought that no one gonna buy his product? There might never have been an Apple company as we know it today and our life would be different without these gadgets that make our lives easier.

Unleash the Power of RDF

RDF isn’t an intellectual technical concept that is only reserved for chosen or talented ones.

It is a gift that’s been with you since the day you were born, working tirelessly 24–7. Even if you are unaware of it.

So, if you want to turn your dreams into reality, create an illusion in your mind of your desired outcome.

Imagine you have a VR headset on, but you are playing the movie in your mind in which you are a hero and everything is going the way you desire and replay this mental film over and over.

Keep in mind there are no villains in your film. That means there are zero obstacles, no surprises, no hiccups nothing.

For instance, suppose you want to build a successful business then imagine your business is blowing up every single month, it’s growing bigger and bigger, and stacks of cash piling up in your bank account.

In other words, you gotta be delusionally optimistic about your goals even if it sounds crazy.

But the most important thing people forgot….

They just daydream about their favorable outcome, but guess what? They forget to take action.

You have to align your actions with your thoughts, otherwise, you are spinning your wheels, and everything will go in vain and you will never achieve anything.

Feel your thoughts and take action.


Steve Jobs, the genius who transformed the world with his visionary ideas, used RDF as his secret weapon. The best part, it is not limited to him only anyone can use this power to make big in life.

It’s a mindset… A mindset that winners adopt in their lives to get whatever they want.

And to create your own reality distortion field, you gotta do a few things. Filter out negativity from your thoughts, imagine your desired outcome, feel it, and sync those thoughts with your actions.

When you get all these elements working together in harmony nothing will hold you back from achieving your wildest dreams.

RDF can be the secret sauce for your success. So, don’t let negativity, doubts, or fears stand in your way of living your dream life.

Use RDF and craft your own reality.

Personal Development
Self Improvement
Self Help
Positive Thinking
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