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Stay By My Side, Max

I need you; Let’s stay together forever…

Photo by author. My Max

I never knew, losing a pet can be life’s most difficult experience. 3 years back, I brought a male Persian kitten who was just 1.5 months old. Though I brought him only for fun but with time, it turned out to be more than just an animal, he became a part of my family. Today, I find myself dealing with the illness of my dear cat, Max. The weight of his illness has shattered me completely. I don’t know what I am typing but I can’t stop my tears from flowing.

He was a playful cat, he was fond of egg yolk and chicken. It all began when I noticed a change in his behavior. He stopped eating even his favorite food and became lethargic. This raised red flags in my mind. I rushed him to the vet, hoping for a quick medication and recovery of his trouble.

The vet told me, he had high fever and took his blood CP. The diagnosis was not what I expected for Max. The vet suggested two days of hospitalization for his appropriate treatment. Though it was tough for me to drop him there but still, I still handed him over to the doctor. The veterinary team was hopeful and I was expecting that he would return home, healthy and happy.

Two days later, his doctor called me and discharged him with some prescribed medication. I didn’t notice any improvement, he still refused to eat and spent most of his time sleeping. This was the time when I was really worried. I took him back to the doctor. He was readmitted and team of veterinarians started his treatment.

His condition deteriorated with time. Last evening, the doctor called me and told me about his irregular breathing pattern. This shattered my hope and this devastating reality killed me from inside, my beloved Max was not going to make it.

As I’m typing all this, I am in pain, the screen in front of me getting blurred… a flood of memories comes rushing back. I remember the day when Max came into my life, a tiny ball of fur with energy and affection. The thought of losing him feels unbearable. I don’t know how my life would be without him. It is always painful when we lose the ones we care about. Life is really tough sometimes.

I am still waiting for a miracle. I am not ready to say goodbye to Max..

Can’t type more... Sorry guys!

Pets And Animals
Pet Care
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