avatarTrisha Faye


Springtime Delights

A springtime poem to a prompt

Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

I‘m using the ‘springtime poem’ description very loosely here. I’ll be the first to say that I am not a poet. I’m not even drawn to write poetry.

Yet, when I read through the March prompts that J.M. Troppello shared, this is the one that leapt out at me:

24. Put your thinking caps on and write an acrostic poem using the letters for Springtime.

I know that poetry has its own language and its own specific elements. Stanzas, rhyming or not, specific numbers of lines and syllables, meter, style and its own elements and techniques.

The lines that follow have none of the above. I am totally outside of my comfort zone here. But springtime is my very favorite season. I could live year-round in springtime. So, to celebrate this glorious beloved season — here are my thoughts.

Shimmering mornings of frosted lawns,

Pushed to our memories of winter now past.

Rejoicing in the newfound warmth

Introduced with the days dawning.

Nothing delights me more than

Glorious days of rebirth in this blooming world.

This is my favorite season,

Inspiration found in each bright, delicious day.

Majestic, wonderful days filled with wonder,

Enveloped in the garden fragrance wafting across the land on gentle breezes.

Check out JM Tropello’s March prompts here. She always shares some unique and interesting prompts.

Bella Vita Tesoro
Writing Challenge
Writing Prompts
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