Spirituality can make this world a better place
Right now, it’s the basic need of the planet.
Ever since I got the consciousness of knowing things and differentiating whether something is wrong or right, I have noticed many changes.
Some are good, and some are bad, but the concept of good and bad varies from person to person. For example, killing animals for food is not suitable for vegetarians, but it is good for people who aren’t vegetarians.
So it’s kind of hard to say what is right and what is wrong, but there are some things that we all consider inappropriate. Almost everyone who has human consciousness thinks those things are wrong, like hurting people for your good is evil, raping and other similar crimes are bad.
We all consider them wrong because we believe they harm society long term. At the same time, these crimes are destroying the peace and happiness of society.
Even though we all consider those crimes wrong, the crime rate is flourishing worldwide, and more people are robbed, killed, and raped every day.
This number is moving towards its peak, and we are all doing nothing about it because none of us believes that we can stop these crimes.
Ever since we moved into the era of technology, things have started to change. Today, we know who is being raped, killed, and discriminated against because of the media. Therefore, we also take action against these crimes and try to do the best possible. But there is no end to it because criminals are getting stronger every day, and some of them believe that they can rule the world if they continue to increase criminal activities. Not just that, sometimes the people who are responsible for protecting people commit crimes against them.
Why do criminals think in that way?
We all know that the world is full of differences. Even though we are all well aware of the fact that in the entire universe, this planet is the only planet that has life, and we are the only humans on this planet, we are all fighting each other and ready to kill each other for basic things like money, land, and other things that we consider essential.
To be franker on this one, we all work the way our minds are prepared. If you tell your mind that you’re an animal, then your mind starts behaving like that, and if you tell your mind that you’re a human and don’t need to hurt anyone, it will work that way. Because the human mind is full of possibilities due to the different levels of consciousness, not many can understand its proper working. We constantly fill our subconscious with the wrong stuff, eventually messing things up for ourselves.
So the entire concept of wars and criminal activities depends on our minds, and other activities also rely on our minds. Our minds are the only reasons for every worse situation that exists today on this planet because we have created all those situations and no one else.
We are all familiar with the history of how kings fought each other to conquer other lands, people, resources, and other territories. This whole war thing has been going on for ages. It’s not something new. What’s new is the technology. Today, we have technology that allows us to communicate with each other across boundaries and share our views.
Also, we are well aware that technology has made crime more accessible than ever before; it is now possible to rob anyone without even meeting them physically by sitting at home with some coding and a few spam links. Plus, pornography is not just in brothels anymore; it’s everywhere, and people are creating their sex videos and posting them online on so-called fan sites.
All of this is happening because of technology, but this is only the immoral side of technology. Technology has more to offer if we all come together and make good use of it.
I am not here to tell you what’s wrong and right in this world. I am just implying that every one of us wants to live in a peaceful world. No one wants their kids to die in battle.
Even though we all have the same deep desire, it seems very hard to create peace in the entire world.
It’s because we are all not functioning properly. We do not realise how important peace is for the well being of society and why we all need to have a more peaceful and merciful nature towards each other.
Peace is not just a word that we hear daily, but it is an essential requirement for a society to have a promising future. Because without peace, it’s hard to live anywhere on this planet. We all need to bend towards spirituality to achieve better consciousness and peace in society.
Why spirituality is the only solution?
Many people do not understand spirituality. They consider spirituality and meditation to be sitting in a place and wasting our time for nothing. Lol.
In actuality, it’s not spirituality or mediation because meditation and spirituality are all about creating a balance between your mind and body. Both processes are the same and awaken your inner soul consciousness state, allowing you to distinguish between wrong and right and make better decisions for society and people.
Not just that, if we all start meditation and spiritual practises daily, our consciousness will awaken, and we will start realising the importance of each other.
Today, the main issue is that we are all getting divided individually. No one wants to live together; families are broken, kids don’t want to live with their parents, a wife is not happy with her husband, and many more reasons are responsible for the separation of families and society.
All this is leading to more individual living and resource consumption.
When we live together, we use fewer resources and costumes, resulting in less waste.
For example, if we live in a joint family, our resources are divided, and we consume less and waste less. If we lived in a joint family, we would have the exact vehicle or fewer vehicles, and if we lived alone, we would all need more cars and one for each at least.
The same goes for other things. Individual living is creating more demand and supply and, in the long run, more pollution and chaos.
We don’t realise that everything is going wrong. Individual living does not just indicate that we do not care for each other; it also shows how much we turn into animals or worse than animals because even some animals live in herds.
So we all need to realise that there is something wrong with all of us because, nowadays, we are trying to grab more and more without thinking. We are producing in mass, consuming, and wasting in groups, and all of this mass production and consumption is driving us towards the wrong end.
I know it’s a huge problem now, but we all need to realise that it’s never too late to change anything. We all need to increase the spirituality in our lives and move towards a better end instead of a bad one because eventually, everything will end, no matter how much we try to change it.
So it’s better to change for the good and try to realise how important we all are and how much humanity is essential for this planet.
Thanks for reading; stay tuned, peace.