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Speech is Silver

Freedom of speech — an essay.

Photo by Tevei Renvoyé on Unsplash

It is said that —

Speech is silver, silence is gold!


Speech expresses, silence is mysterious, Speech comes easily, and silence is precious.

And both can be cruel or kind.

Here, let’s talk about speech, rather freedom of speech, a convoluted phenomenon, that needs to be explored.

We, as the social beings, living in this society, want, and demand this freedom.

However, freedom of speech in most of the countries of the world, is not a sacred right provided, and enjoyed by people.

In Australia, the debate on freedom of speech has been going on forever.** Whether slandering someone is free speech, or whether it is vilification and should be punishable!

And whether there should be laws to protect minorities from slander!

However, the vilification laws to protect minorities, it is argued, can hinder people’s right to free speech.

So, what is free speech, and why is it important?

Freedom of speech is, to hold an opinion, and to express, whatever we believe to be important enough to be said*.

It is to demand equality and a right to speak equably. To question the mainstream views, sometimes atrocities, to bring alternative views, out in the open.

It is a demand for visibility. Because, not saying something, is to be invisible. It is about giving voice to the voiceless, to tell people that yes, there is an alternative to the suppressing authority,

So, yes, freedom of speech is a right. And is right.

It is a right to be free, to be able to say what is right!

But what is right?

I mean right that is opposite to wrong, right?

Yes, but what is so right that it needs to be said, and expressed without any fear, or sensitivity?

What makes it so special, and necessary to be said?

What is it that we believe is worth speaking about?

And we want it to be expressed. Whether it hurts someone, or whether it tarnishes someone’s reputation!

With social media and information technology, freedom of speech is a right that whoever has the best exposure, can speak louder! This can be quite dangerous. This right to speak can become a weapon, to suppress the oppressed even more!

But we want to be free to say that!

And, if need be, we can fight for our right to say it.

But then we want such freedom just for ourselves because we believe in our own right, and this freedom is only for us.

And not for those whose right is different from that of ours.

So, do they have a right to speak their truth too?

*Freedom of Speech has been declared a Human Right

Everyone shall have the right to hold and express opinions without interference.

**These discussions happened during the 2017 campaign for Equal Rights to marriage. The ugly side of freedom of speech was exposed as people and their beliefs were vilified publicly, creating divisions in families.

Luckily, in a nationwide postal survey, Australians emphatically voted in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage.

The Referendum for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament seems to be following a similar trajectory. People on both sides are slandering the other side. Freedom to speak has played a big role in it!

Freedom Of Speech
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