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Sorry, but God Will Never Agree With Your Opinion No Matter What It Is

But I hope you will agree with His opinion every time

Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash

Living through a pandemic has caused many of us to go through a lot of changes in our lives. Sadly, many people needed to change careers. Others learned to start something new in their lives. In addition, there has been the loss of family, friends, and so much more.

While a fresh start can be exciting, it usually also comes with some butterflies. Some of the changes have been downright gut-wrenching and caused incredible fear.

No doubt the Hebrews were on edge as God miraculously helped them cross the Jordan River on dry ground. It didn’t take too long before they were staring at a city that they would have to defeat very shortly.

Starting over

Moses is dead. Joshua was the new leader. A land promised a long time ago is where this group of people was, wondering how it is all going to work out according to God’s plan.

Here is the thing that they needed to remember; they were where they were supposed to be, and Joshua was the leader God installed for them.

The kings in the land of Canaan were terrified by what was happening. But, just as God told us, He could turn the hearts of kings.

The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the LORD; he guides it wherever he pleases (Proverbs 21:1, NLT)

Startled by a soldier

One night Joshua was nearby the city of Jericho. He was probably assessing the situation.

Suddenly a man is standing next to him with a sword drawn in his hand. As any good soldier would do, Joshua bounded toward him with his sword drawn. He then asked a crucial question:

“When Joshua was near the town of Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with sword in hand. Joshua went up to him and demanded, “Are you friend or foe?” “Neither one,” he replied. “I am the commander of the LORD’s army.”” (Joshua 5:13–14, NLT)

Maybe he didn’t hear the question too well. Joshua asked him if he was for them or the enemy, and he responded with “No!”

Submissive to his Savior

Here is what Joshua didn’t know at the time. The soldier that he met was no ordinary man. Instead, he revealed to Joshua that He was the Commander of the LORD’s army.

This “Man” was the Second Person of the Trinity that made an appearance in physical form. However, he would become a human being many years later in the person of Jesus Christ, our Messiah.

Joshua falls in worship and asks Him what He expected him to do. God’s response is, “Take off your shoes.”

God told Joshua to take off his shoes because he was standing on holy ground. Not that Canaan is sacred ground, but he was standing on the same parcel of land on which God was standing.

What is God trying to tell Joshua? He wants Joshua to be very clear about one thing:

I must lead you and you will lead my people. Follow me! Follow My directions for your life, and I will give you My best.

God wanted to make clear to Joshua that God must be the One Who is in charge.

So what?

This is an ancient story. What does this have to do with me? A lot, in reality.

Is God the One Who is in charge of your life? Do you surrender your agenda and plans to Him, or do you merely want Him to bless what you have planned?

What a fantastic opportunity God gave to this new generation of Hebrews and to Joshua, who was their current leader.

He reminds them that He would give them a fresh, new start; He would help them mature, and they needed to remember always to let Him take the lead.

If we could remember that this story was not just about them, but about you and me as well, what might God be able to do through us?

Life is filled with seasons, and we all transition through various seasons. As you do, continue to make sure that God is directing your steps.

Never assume that God will take your side of any opinion, but you must make sure that you are taking God’s side. His side is always correct.

How do you make sure you are on God’s side? Do a lot of surrendering of your will, spend much time in God’s Word, and resist the pride of thinking that your way is always God’s way.

Let God lead you and He will give you His best.

Life Lessons
Leadership Skills
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