Something About The Read Length — 4 mins looks like A mins
3 is good, 5 is great but that 4 is the sometimes that made it
I try to look for 4 mins read on my feeds but I could only find a few

Something weird but rather special.
The read length as we know it is how long a post takes to read determined by not just the words but also the entire length including images, Medium will show let you know like the example below:

When scrolling or rather look at your feeds to start your reading session, were you aware that 4 mins post gives a unsure feeling?
But to the eye 4 and A is alike on screen. (A or rather 4 makes me feel harmless in this example)
Where 3 or 5 mins, we make clear judgement right away.
Below is an example I found on my feed with a post that is 4 mins long.

I try to find but somehow there isn’t many today. Maybe you take a read at this one and see if anything sparks.
Here are some of mine, for me 4 mins read did the best yet, it did came naturally that I wrote more of those leading to more earning towards the end of March.

Not a perfect science but rather an observation.
Do you feel the same or see similar results/performance with your posts?
Thanks for Reading

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