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Something About The Read Length — 4 mins looks like A mins

3 is good, 5 is great but that 4 is the sometimes that made it

I try to look for 4 mins read on my feeds but I could only find a few

Image By Karolina Grabowska From Pexels

Something weird but rather special.

The read length as we know it is how long a post takes to read determined by not just the words but also the entire length including images, Medium will show let you know like the example below:

Image of drafts tell you the word counts and how long it takes to read or shown if read.

When scrolling or rather look at your feeds to start your reading session, were you aware that 4 mins post gives a unsure feeling?

But to the eye 4 and A is alike on screen. (A or rather 4 makes me feel harmless in this example)

Where 3 or 5 mins, we make clear judgement right away.

Below is an example I found on my feed with a post that is 4 mins long.

Image of a Post By Frank Bouc, try too look for a 4 mins, post it was quite a search.

I try to find but somehow there isn’t many today. Maybe you take a read at this one and see if anything sparks.

Here are some of mine, for me 4 mins read did the best yet, it did came naturally that I wrote more of those leading to more earning towards the end of March.

Image of my 4 mins read post from end of March.

Not a perfect science but rather an observation.

Do you feel the same or see similar results/performance with your posts?

Thanks for Reading

Image By Michaela From Pexels
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