Someone Else’s Skin
A nonet on loneliness
Have you ever been so damn lonely
That you sit in your room writing
Ignoring your broken heart
Hoping for a phone call
Longing for a text
Needing the touch
Of someone
Dear Medium Family,
For those unfamiliar with the form, a nonet is a 9-line poem that begins the first line with 9 syllables and proceeds to lose 1 syllable per line, ending the poem with a single syllable in the last line. Rhyme is not required, but you may employ a rhyme scheme if you wish. The fun challenge is in the brevity — trying to say what you want to say in a very short space, all while adhering to the subtraction of exactly 1 syllable per line! I was inspired to try this after reading a nonet written by Alison McBain. I hope you’ll give it a try, and I’d be super happy if you send me a link of your poem in the comments of this piece!
Thanks, as always, for being here!
J Oliver
Please take a moment and read Alison’s nonet; I know you’ll enjoy it!
And if you like flash or micro fiction you may enjoy this: