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The website content discusses the concept of unity and collaboration among writers, likening them to snowflakes that, while individually beautiful and unique, collectively create a more significant impact.


The article draws a parallel between the collective power of snowflakes and the potential of writers when they come together. It describes a snowy day, where individual snowflakes, each a tiny crystal, accumulate to transform the landscape into a white, fluffy expanse. Similarly, writers, though individually distinct and talented, can enhance their visibility and impact through collaboration and constructive criticism. The article introduces "SYNERGY," a Medium publication initiative by Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, aimed at uniting writers from diverse platforms and professions. The purpose of SYNERGY is to empower writers by fostering a collaborative environment, leveraging the vast expertise available across various fields, and sharing knowledge for mutual benefit.


  • The author believes that individual writers, like snowflakes, possess unique beauty and talent but are limited in visibility and impact on their own.
  • Collaboration and constructive criticism among writers are seen as essential for enhancing abilities and achieving recognition in the broader world.
  • The initiative "SYNERGY" is presented as a strategic and entrepreneurial effort to create a synergistic community of writers from different backgrounds, including medical professionals, historians, IT experts, military officers, social media consultants, teachers, artists, finance specialists, and influencers.
  • The author emphasizes the passion for writing and sharing thoughts as the unifying force among the diverse group of writers on Medium.
  • The article suggests that by being part of SYNERGY, writers can benefit from the broad-spectrum expertise of their peers, implying that such collaboration can lead to greater success and visibility for all involved.


A single icy crystal that has achieved a sufficient size yet negligible on its own

Photo by Maddy Baker on Unsplash

Today is a beautiful snowy day and I stand glaring at the magnificent scene outside. Each little snowflake sets itself on the ground hardly visible at first but within minutes the whole surface becomes white and fluffy.

The single crystalized beauty by its self is too tiny simply negligible yet together they form the surface bright and gleamy enhancing every corner where they settle.

We writers are like these snowflakes, on our own we all have our distinct beauties like the patterns of each snowflake yet our visibility and existence depends solely on each other. By collaboration and constructive criticism, we are able to enhance each other’s abilities and that is how we become visible to the external world.

This is the idea behind SYNERGY.

The sole purpose being

to bring altogether many Medium writers who also publish in other platforms such as Vocal Media, NewsBreak, Hub Pages, Patreon, Substack, and many other freelancing platforms.

It is a strategic and entrepreneurial initiative to empower writers and create synergy with collaboration.~ Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Here at Medium, we have writers from different fields of life, Brilliance of doctors Thewriteyard and medical students Shin Jie Yong, historians Rachel Sample M.Ed. experienced IT professionals and retired military officers Terry Mansfield, recovery coach and social media consultants Holly Kellums, teachers Cocoa Griot, Hollywood artists anniewood, finance specialists Dr Preeti Singh and influencers like Dr Mehmet Yildiz the man himself.

These are just a handful of professions, what we have here is an enormous level of expertise in all imaginable fields and what brings us together is our passion to write and to share our thoughts.

We can benefit from each other's knowledge. Imagine the broad-spectrum expertise we can benefit from by collaborating with each other and being a part of SYNERGY.

Medium Writers
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