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The article discusses the significant role the sense of smell plays in human attraction and social interaction, including its impact on dating and relationships.


The article "Why Your Nose Is Essential in Your Dating Life" delves into the often-overlooked sense of smell and its profound influence on human relationships. It presents evidence that the olfactory system is more precise than vision or taste, suggesting that our sense of smell is our most reliable sensory system. The article highlights research showing that an electronic nose can identify individuals with an 87% accuracy rate based on ear odor, indicating that our smell may reveal our identity. It also explores how the scent of a baby's scalp affects adults differently, reducing aggression in men but increasing it in women, and how women are drawn to men who share genetic similarities with their fathers. Additionally, the article notes that men are subconsciously attracted to ovulating women due to a rise in testosterone when exposed to their scent, and that women's olfactory abilities peak right before ovulation. Lastly, it points out that a diminishing sense of smell may be an early indicator of conditions like Alzheimer's disease.


  • The author suggests that the sense of smell is underappreciated and is a critical factor in human attraction and bonding.
  • There is an implication that humans may naturally select partners, at least in part, based on subconscious olfactory cues.
  • The article posits that the use of cosmetics and deodorants may interfere with genuine chemical signaling between individuals, potentially impacting relationship dynamics.
  • It is proposed that the unique smell of each person could be a significant identifier, akin to a biological fingerprint.
  • The research cited indicates that olfactory cues can have a direct impact on hormonal responses, influencing behavior and emotional states.
  • The author expresses that the complexity of women's biological cycles, particularly in relation to ovulation, is not fully acknowledged in societal understanding of attraction.
  • There is a concern that the decline in olfactory function with age could be a harbinger of cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.
Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

Why Your Nose Is Essential in Your Dating Life

The olfactory system or smell is the most reliable and accurate sensory system in humans.

It is more precise than your eye's color vision and taste.

So in a way, your smell is your most trustworthy system and you might appreciate it better after reading this article than you did before.

Key Evidence 1: Electronic Nose Exposes You

Your smell might reveal who you are to others.

Researchers tested an electronic nose to test if it could identify humans. They choose the smell of the ear since that is the most constantly humid place not saturated with cosmetics. By using an electronic nose they could exclude human bias since we all smell things differently.

The findings show a whopping 87% identification rate just by the smell of the inside of your ear according to Stephanie Brener, Kobi Snitz, and Noam Sobel.

Key Evidence 2: Babies Scalps Block Men From Becoming Aggressive and Does the Opposite for Women

The impact a baby has on women and men, including the mother and father, who smell the scalp of the baby is huge.

According to lead scientist Eva Mishor, a baby produces a volatile chemosignal from the scalp called hexadecanal (HEX). By using brain imaging the researchers could investigate what the effect is from sniffing a baby. It turns out that HEX increases the activity in the left angular gyros, an area regulating social cues.

“HEX blocks men from becoming aggressive but triggers aggression in women”

Key Evidence 3: Women Smell Their Fathers in Other Men

Men should stop using perfume in cosmetics and deodorant.

People do a lot to hide their true smell from others when they try to smell good. In part that is due to not wanting to trigger the disgust sensitivity in women to be attractive. Unfortunately, this blocks the true bonding mechanism between a woman and a potential partner for her.

According to lead scientist, Suma Jacob show that women prefer the scent of their dad and might choose friends and partners due to it.

Key Evidence 4: Men Smell Women That Are Ovulating

The only mammals that do not show ovulation are women on earth.

One of the reasons why men prefer younger women in their reproductive strategies has been argued by both male and female scientists to be because ovulating women do not show when they are ovulating. Research shows that when men sniff women's t-shirts worn by women in either ovulation or far from ovulation. It showed that men subjected to the sent of ovulating women displayed higher levels of testosterone.

This endocrinological response seams to be involved in sexual behavior and initiation of romantic courtship according to Saul L Miller.

Key Evidence 5: Women's Ability to Smell Differ During The Month

Have you ever wondered if women are more complex than what meets the eye?

It turns out that women are astonishingly complex from a biological perspective. By testing women during the short period before ovulation and menstrual cycle. They found some astonishing results.

Women's olfactory functions, or smell, are enhanced during the short period before they can get pregnant according to researcher Yun-Ting Chao.

Key Evidence 6: Loosing Smell Is A Precursor of Alzheimer's

Researchers back in 2022 found some astonishing things about your ability to smell things.

What they found was that for each unit of lovered ability to smell odors. There was an increase of 22% in mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

According to Qu Tian, when you get older your smell deteriorates which is a possible indicator of Alzheimer's.


  • Women smell better right before they can get pregnant.
  • Women can smell similar genetics in other men that resemble their fathers.
  • Men's sex drive increases when smelling women that can get pregnant.
  • Babies make fathers docile and women aggressive by their smell.
  • Smell is unique to humans and there is a strong possibility others identify you by it.
  • As we age, smell is a 22% indicator you are getting older.

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