Six Modern Signs The Universe Sends You When It Wants to Warn You of Something
Learn to read the new signals from the universe.
The signs that the universe sends us change over time.
It is not expected to find a horseshoe in the middle of the MacDonals parking lot, a four-leaf clover when walking the dog, an owl perched on the balcony of your house, or an elephant with its trunk up when you go to the mall, right?
That’s why I have asked my readers on Twitter what signs the universe is CURRENTLY sending them and what happens when those signs appear.
I have received almost 100 responses from different parts of the world: Canada, Argentina, USA, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Italy, Spain, and Germany.
Here is a selection of the most repeated signals and their meaning.
Signal 1: mirror numbers

Many of the readers stated that they see mirror numbers every time something important is about to happen in their lives.
- 11:11
This number, for many readers, is a symbol of change and challenging times. And for others, it is a symbol of prosperity and good luck.
One of my readers, Chela, said, “11:11 is the sign I see the most. And it always implies sudden changes in my life that end in abundance and well-being. I see the number so much that I got it tattooed on my arm.”
- 17:17
Arancha said about this mirror number, “Lately, 17/17 keeps repeating itself to me, and I think it is a number that warns me that I am in a stage of transformation”. — Other readers added that seeing mirror numbers with sevens always brought them luck, abundance, and happiness.
- 4444
Enrique said that the mirror number that most often appears when the universe wants to warn him of something is 4444: “I see 4444 when a new cycle begins in my life. What is difficult for me is to distinguish if it will be good or bad, but there are always cycles that lead me to an important learning, to make my existence and purpose more meaningful”.
Signal 2: Feathers

I did not expect this sign from the universe. But many readers claim to see feathers that they don’t know where they come from for a couple of days and then stop finding them.
- Ana left me a tweet saying, “When I’m going through some situation where I’m not sure if I’m doing the right thing or going the right way, I mysteriously find bird feathers, and to me, they are a good sign.”
- Bruce said, “To me, my angels send me signals through music if I think of something important that is going to happen or should happen, there is always a song that helps me respond, and I have also found feathers like their wings letting me know they are there with me in my decisions.”
- Mariana, for her part, wrote, “I find feathers in places where they could not have fallen. Fortunately, they are good news.”
- Cecilio wrote, “Throughout my life, synchronicity has accompanied me. When I see feathers, letters, and coins in the street, some essential positive change is coming.
Therefore, seeing feathers is a good sign that positive changes are coming to your life.
Sign 3: Hummingbirds and butterflies

Some readers claimed to see hummingbirds and butterflies that seem out of nowhere when the universe tries to communicate with them. Here are some examples.
- Patricia said, “When I ask for a sign on key dates, hummingbirds arrive, and that, to me, is the answer that all is well.”
- Yovy tweeted, “When butterflies appear in places without flowers…I know they are signs of change for the better.”
- Patri commented, “When I see some butterflies, which is quite difficult in the city, I feel it’s time to make changes.”
- For her part, Lili shared, “When my life is on the right track, I have noticed butterflies appearing out of nowhere, and I think it is a sign from my deceased parents that they are protecting me.”
Signal 4: Energetic sensations/inner voice

Other readers consulted explained that the universe communicates with them through sensation/intuition/inner voice.
In this regard, Hagakure said, “I am a true believer in energies.
When I have a kind of apprehension about someone, it is usually because that person is not clean wheat”.
Mercedes, on her part, commented, “I don’t know if it’s a sign; certain people cause me a bad feeling, like a headache; according to my mother, those people have a bad vibe.”
And Asun tweeted, “Intuition tells me if something or someone will be good or bad. Lately, it’s been screaming at me, and I know I have to listen to it because when I don’t, the “I told you so” comes out, and it’s true.”
So, the vibration/intuition/inner voice is a GPS of the universe that warns us of dangers.
Signal 5: Strange events

Readers state that seeing strange things amid their daily routines is a sign from the universe.
One reader stated, “When I see something unusual a few days later, I get bad news. For example, one day, I was at the train station and saw a bunch of flowers lying on the tracks; a week later, I was told that a friend of mine had died.”
Kelly states, “Things tend to get damaged/broken/broken around me when I am about to end a relationship with someone.”
Finally, Guadalupe wrote, “When I need to make a complex decision, I throw the question to the universe. And then people I don’t know, on the street, in a coffee shop or other place, come up to me as messengers to that prayer and are very accurate with the information. It’s awesome.”
Sign 6: Premonitory dreams

Finally, some of the readers consulted claimed to receive messages from the universe in the form of premonitory dreams.
Viri stated, “For me, when my grandmother appears in my dreams, it is like a warning that she is coming to take someone away. And it happens.
Lili shared another similar dream, “I dreamed I was at the funeral of a brother. Three days later, he died.”
Something very particular happens to Yesi with dreams; she said, “When I dream of something or someone I haven’t seen for a long time, a few days later appears in my life.”
For another reader, Alex, dreams often inform her of significant changes in her life. “Every time something important is going to change in my life, I dream about my late father, and I see 11:11.”
To Tete, her mother speaks to her in dreams, and she states the following: “Every time I dream of my mother, in time I lose some object valuable to me, and after that, my life changes completely.”
What is clear to me after this little research on the signs of the universe are three points.
- The same sign can be a good or bad omen, depending on each person. Therefore, it will have to do with their subconscious.
- People relate the signs of the universe to a) existential changes, b) the closing of life cycles, and c) the approach to death.
- Energy is something that all people seem to perceive. It is as if the signs, dreams, or people that readers meet in their daily lives emit an energetic signal that makes them pay attention to that sign, vision, or person and decode its meaning.
I hope this little study will help you to draw your conclusions about the signals of the universe.
A virtual hug.
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