Sitting Bull
Where land meets sky

Hello my Medium friends. Sorry I have been quiet of late. I have been a bit of a sitting bull. I love that name, ‘Sitting Bull’. It holds a lot of significance for me because it's a small reminder of my American Indian Heritage that I was disconnected from at birth (spiritual roots gifted on my father’s side).
I know nothing about my cultural heritage, but I know you can’t take the spirit away from the dream-time girl. Dreaming is something that I have become a master at over my lifetime. I dream big.
In fact, in the spirit of my dreaming, I often meet with a great warrior spirit. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if that spirit was the Lakota Leader, Sitting Bull. What a wonderful gift that would be. Hey, I don’t know, but I said I was a big dreamer. And when I ask my spirit friend his name, we just touch foreheads because he never speaks.
He is a calm, strong, ancestral presence who often dreams my way regardless of who he may be. It fills me with great peace to meet him at the fireside during my night of dreams. In fact, I also meet him in my mind’s eye. We have been doing this all my life. ‘Han’ to you my dear spirit friend … (a female way of saying hello.). You the great mystery of my dreams, dear spirit friend of my ancestral father with your eagle eye.
Remove the filter of life being of somewhere or to someone else awakens one’s wisdom child within progressing universal values of peace
On the flip side, I often like to be as a soft peaceful heavy buffalo nestled quietly in the fields of mother nature. Ah, the laziness of it all. Munching on the wavy grass in the sunshine. I feel at one with everything and sense a deep spiritual connection. All this nature at my feet. All my senses are engaged.
Imagine that a little white buffalo in the land down under — this land at my feet may belong to my Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family who are the traditional custodians of this soil, but I recognize it also belongs to me. For caring for our planet is a shared responsibility in this great big family sea. We all play our part, each with respect — each with dignity — with humility.
I am a gentle, peaceful soul, though. You can eat from my motherly nature pasture too, for I know, like my children, this land is not mine to keep — it belongs to all of us — you and me — as the ‘I’ in me greets the ‘I’ in you in the spirit of unity and peace. The gift of mother nature and grandfather sky is a transient gift to nurture in our wonder hands.
I guess the emerald pastures that graze at my feet make sense to me because my birth gifted me the star-sign Taurus and we are a big, lazy bull after all. We love our material things like emeralds found buried in mother earth’s sentient rocks. In fact, I am so material that I worship the big rock in the infinite milky sea, as the rich aerated soil lands sustains my mind, my body, my soul — as my spirit soars free — and the mists of the spirits swirl — evolving that of my ancestral tree.

The grasslands belong to the great ‘all’ of me and the big I of we. They are where the spiritual bones of our ancestors lay — with all the knowledge and wisdom they whisper our way. The soil at my feet is the essence of me, you, we, and everything in between. All of us being the caretakers of this nature wonderland.
Often, people form the impression that the Taurus’ nature way is being materialistic and lazy. For me, that perception is a simple mistake. You may be looking at the outside and not looking deep within. We only show this shadow side to our loyal friends. We, the Taurus, love the beautiful and the sensual, but there is another side to us, that others don’t often meet.
A deep spiritual side where we feel connected to the oneness of everything as we gaze into the endless potential sea. That’s me anyway.
Inside me is a mindful space to balance my earthly bull. For me, this is where the yin/yang balance comes in. The heavy physical aspects of the body of the bull and the land and the space in the mind’s eye is the same sky to be found within and around. It is where the motherland meets the father in the dream-time. A Han hello sky. Lovely to meet you in the spirit of my dreams. I hope you recognize the face of me one-day. If I dream big enough, I believe I can almost see you in my play.
For me, there is no separation between you and me and all things that is. We are all part of an interconnected web. The web of life. We are the sacred caretakers of that land and of that heavenly sky. That means my pastures are also yours. The spirit of my ancestors belongs to you as you do to me. This is a great privilege and a gift for us all in the present moment of now and what we choose for our ancestors that are yet to be birthed into this paradise land.
Let’s take care of our land, our breath, and our ancestors, too. Let’s take care of each other, for nothing exists if we aren’t able to. For that same sky and land is what makes us — it’s what makes my children and what makes you.

To be a silent observer of your nature story unfolding before your very eyes is to co-create a majestic purposed life — Now that’s visionary
Being a Taurus meant that the Great Universe not only gave me a symbol of a bull but it also bestowed upon my child the natural gift of a rose. These are the symbols of my birth.
For me, a rose is a sacred gift that belongs to the heart of a child. A rose is the garden within a sacred child — and the child is a sacred rose. When we put our children at the center of our universe, then we are cultivating a garden full of roses. A garden of beauty that fills the senses with wonder and love.
The child rose is a great leader full of infinite potential when we slow down and witness them as a gift. They taught me everything I could ever need to know. Thank you, beautiful rose for gifting me with so much love and breath to carry me on this flight we call life.
This is what I have done over my vocation and as a parent and also being a great teddy bear of an empathic inner-child. I took care of my heart rose as I cultivated the rose garden within me //with my global family around.
The rose of the child also cultivated my garden and brought my spirit home to a land of great peace. For that, I will be eternally grateful. Thank you to the rose at the very heart of me.
When I look at the world, I sense its oceanic existence present in everything. I need not drive to the sea to sense its presence in me. The mist from the soil and sky is everywhere. Swirling its calm energy in my life.
I often imagine the wind is the colour of a rose so I can play with its beauty — the rose wind breathing its tickle in the leaves and the same breathe a hurricane in tree canopies. The same wind a rose hue swirl in my lungs is that which aerates my topsoil — the rich heavy earth where the tree establishes its family roots of me — the same place where the spirit of the sky and spirit of land meets.
It’s a union and a symbiotic relationship, the earth, the sky, and me. One cannot exist without the other. There is no divide. Just as there is no divide between you and me and all that is. We are all one family in this spirit home-land called life. Each one complete part connected to the other whole part. Each with their own story of wisdom to be found and to be told when the magic of the moment breathes in and breathes out in unison abound — birthing a natural cycle of life.
As I stare into the sky while I sit heavy in my big nature pasture, I imagine that the face of my gentle mother earth will one day meet the family face of the grandfather sky and a great big family warm Han hello will occur. What a dream that would be. Although it would take two big dream weavers and an enormous imagination for that dream to happen. Maybe I dream a little too big!
For I am but a simple, delicate, intimate rose in this nature garden of mine and the sky is so infinite wide and profound that it would take a miracle for the face of humanity to unite to say a big Han hello in the mirror where sky and land mist. A miracle only an infinite, kind universe would ever bestow if that were ever to be.
Perhaps it was never a dream meant to be found. But I have the spirit of the dream-time warrior carried deep within me. Who knows, maybe one day a welcome home there will be — no matter how much crazy in the chaos of all that is beauty — a family celebration of humanity’s unconditional love will dance in the ripples of river streams.
No matter, I relax into my nature pasture and will simply be me as I keep eating from the deep rich sunlit soils that sustain me. No need to strive, just let love lead the way as I let my heavy feet breathe in the ocean wonderland that is the essence and the heart of me and all that is we on this earthly plane.
May I draw in the fatherly sky and draw up motherly earth as I let my dreams continue their spirited play on the dawn’s ray of a brand new day and leave you with a breath of wisdom misting from the soils that are to be found in every warrior’s eagle eye:
The warrior is not someone who fights, because no one has the right to take another life. The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who can not provide for themselves and above all, the children, the future of humanity — Sitting Bull
Nature❦nurture reflections from down under, In the spirit of collective kindness, Jaylee Reign,©, 2021
In acknowledgement, I pay my respects to the Traditional Owners and ongoing Custodians of Australia inclusive of Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr for the generous sharing of her poem, 'Dadirri'... for deep wisdom calls to us through her being and belonging...A Poem by Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr : ‘Dadirri, the deep inner spring inside us’