avatarLaurie Wolt


Simple Ways I Give Yourself A Boost

It’s not just stories that need it!

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Moving slowly today? This month? Not making progress? Here are a few ways I give myself a boost.

Show Up for Yourself

I always have plans to get certain things done. And the things I’m doing for myself are always the first thing to do when life gets busy. For example, while I was writing this my husband needed me to proof an email for him. So I stopped and did what he asked. This put me behind what I was trying to get done for me.

He got me a Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew today, so I forgive him. I chose to stop what I was doing in favor of what he needed.

So, I got back to work because writing this is what I’m doing for me today. I’m keeping this commitment I made to myself. This little boost today will help me tomorrow when I’m distracted.

And pretty soon, showing up for myself will become a habit. I just hope it’s as addicting as the Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew.

Get the Hard Stuff Done First

I struggle to get things done in the evening. I’m tired. So, I do everything around the house that needs to be done in the morning. Then I can relax and write.

But I have this all wrong. It’s much harder for me to focus on writing, reading non-fiction, or doing all the thinking things — especially in the evening.

I must do what requires thought during the morning and save all the mindless stuff for later.

Figure out what works for you. What is the hardest thing for you to do? Get it done first.

Confidence Comes from Action

Confidence is created by the small things you do every single day that build trust in yourself.” — Mel Robbins.

Every day, I need to create confidence by doing something to move myself forward. Confidence doesn’t just happen. I need to make it happen through action. Action will create confidence one small step at a time. And confidence will give me that boost I need to keep on keeping on.

Push yourself outside your comfort zone every day. Make it a goal to do something daily that will move you forward or have you trying something new.

Become Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

Yes — pushing myself outside my comfort zone is uncomfortable. I need to get used to that. I think of it as a muscle — the more I use that muscle, the stronger I will get.

Click on publish, make that phone call, and ask the question. Every day. The more I do things that are hard, the easier they will become. They won’t be easy, but they will be easier than they were the day before.

Help Others

A quick and easy way to get out of my head and forget my issues is to help someone else. I will be too busy thinking about them to worry about me.

Find a volunteer position for a cause I believe in. I can rake your neighbor’s lawn or text a friend who is going through a difficult time. I can make some baked goods and take them to work.

Reaching out to others and boosting them will also boost me every time.

Don’t stay stuck. If you are down, there are ways to pick yourself up. Be responsible for you and your moods.

Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions. — Dalai Lama

Take action and give yourself a boost right now.

Self Improvement
Life Lessons
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