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Signs It’s Time to Let Go of Your Unhealthy Relationship

Is it the end of the road?

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

“Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.” — Steve Maraboli

Relationships should be loving and stable. Unfortunately, sometimes things can go sour, leaving us feeling unhappy and unfulfilled.

Many of us know how it feels to be in a relationship that has run its course. I am guilty of staying in a past relationship longer than I should have because I found it difficult to walk away. You may be unsure if your relationship can be saved, or if it’s time to go. Ending a relationship is a big decision — and not one to be taken lightly.

It is the right thing to do, if one or both people are unhappy, or are being treated in an abusive way.

If you experience any of the following, then it may be time to call it a day:


Jealousy may seem flattering at first, but it can quickly become an issue in relationships. It often comes from a lack of trust and insecurity. This negative emotion can quickly spiral out of control.

For the person on the receiving end of jealousy, it can be rather unpleasant and can leave you feeling vulnerable. The problem with jealousy is that it can very quickly escalate into a full-blown argument, which can potentially lead to many different negative outcomes.

Some signs of jealousy include not wanting to allow your partner any space. In a healthy relationship, couples spend time apart and with other people, without it being an issue. In a jealous relationship, the jealous person will try and stop you from seeing friends and family. If you do go out without them, they will ask you lots of questions to make sure you’re telling the truth. While you’re apart, they will also likely text or call you frequently.

A jealous person may also try to monitor who you contact. They may try to gain passwords to your social media, email address or phone. You may feel that you are left with no privacy, or individuality.

Passive-Aggressive Behavior

A person who is passive-aggressive has feelings of anger that they keep hidden. Their anger comes through in other ways, such as criticising or disagreeing with everything that you say.

A person who is not passive-aggressive will let you know if there is a problem. Someone who is passive-aggressive, however, will pretend that everything is okay, but subtly get even with you in other ways. An example of this would be ruining your plans and letting you down at the last minute, simply because they are upset about something that you did.

Psychologists believe that childhood abuse and neglect lead to passive-aggressive behaviour and that a lack of self-esteem can also play a part. And while passive-aggression can manifest in different ways, typical behaviours are giving the silent treatment and subtle put-downs.

Your Needs Are No Longer Met

If you feel that your needs are no longer being met in a relationship, it is best to discuss this with your partner. If you have already discussed it and nothing has changed, consider whether that relationship can fulfil your needs. This includes being able to communicate, meeting your sexual necessities and enjoying your partner's company. Having your needs met helps you to feel close to your partner.

Staying in a relationship that no longer meets your needs, however, can slowly chip away at your confidence and also lead to feelings of unhappiness.

“You should never have to apologize for the way you need to be loved.” — Spinningsharks

Unmet emotional needs can also cause resentment. Over time, feelings of resentment can grow, leaving it impossible to continue in the relationship.

You Can’t See Them In Your Future

One reason that you may not be able to see a future with your partner is that you want different things. It may be that you want to get married but your partner doesn’t, or that you have different opinions.

It’s a red flag if you cannot imagine yourself with your partner and important that you are honest with yourself, and your partner, if you feel like this. People can naturally grow apart, and it is nobody’s fault.

If you know the reason that you can’t see a future, consider whether you can work through it. It may be that you are able to compromise. If you have tried but have been unsuccessful, then it may be time to end the relationship.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few things that could make you consider moving on, though there are many other issues that can occur.

At the end of the day, a relationship should make you happy. If you feel otherwise, it’s important to recognise that this is not normal in a relationship. Life is too short to not live the life that you want.

Be true to yourself and your partner by making the right decision.

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