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Showing Kindness And Generosity Can Be Done By All

Even those who do not have much can give

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The world would be a better place if more kindness were displayed.

Being kind and generous can spread joy in this world which seems to be full of hate and not enough love.

Politics is very divisive with factions at odds with each other on a daily basis. Neighbors and people who should be friends become enemies. Family members might be estranged. Countries are at war or at the risk of going to war.

People are not willing to work together and to compromise when there are differences. They express hate and an unwillingness to work on problems together. Some of the members of the United States Congress have exhibited hate and disgust for each other.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

It should not be hard to show kindness and love to others. Why not make someone’s day by helping them feel loved? It would make the world a much better place if more people would practice kindness on a daily basis.

If we are blessed with an abundance or even with enough, we can be generous to those who are in need. We don’t have to give a lot to do some good in the world. Showing more love and kindness should not be difficult.

Thank you for reading.

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