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Shortwise Guidelines

Submissions Should be Three Minutes Long and Spiritual with at Least a Touch of Whimsy

Photo by Ioana Han on Unsplash

The subtitle says it all. Details follow.

  1. Three minutes is the inflexible limit. Otherwise the name of the publication would change. The editor enforces this rule even on himself.
  2. Spiritual is whatever you honestly think it means. To me, spiritual topics are deeply meaningful and touch on topics of eternal rather than merely temporal concern. We are looking for wisdom more than knowledge.
  3. Whimsical means, however serious the topic and however heavy the feelings behind it, we want at least a glimmer of a light edge. That could mean putting a joker mask on God. It could also mean tossing a wry metaphor into the mix.

Every Shortwise publication as of August 6, 2023 has come from an invited author, but you may request in a comment below to be considered as a contributor. You might want to provide a link to something you’ve published elsewhere that has a spiritual flavor with the capacity to bemuse a reader.

The editor will proofread each draft and leave a private note about any changes. The author can revert to the original if so desired. Please use a spellchecker and grammar checker before submitting.

Your submission may be featured under one of three categories: poem, parable, or pointer. Three P words somehow felt nicer than verse, fiction, and essay.

The archives are arranged by default with the most-read articles at the top. So far, I think our readers have shown good taste. Check it out.

The editor reserves the right to choose or reject any piece for any reason. Violation of Medium rules could end an author’s participation. Personal attacks and mean-spirited insults do not belong here.

Allow up to three days for publication after submission. Full-time work and other life beyond the keyboard make swift turnaround times unlikely.

Authors are encouraged to read the work of others who publish here. Enjoy!

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