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Sexy or Sixty — or Sexy AT Sixty?

Why do we even care?

Photos of author by author :)

So here I am seeing wrinkles developing and skin sagging elsewhere. I have aches and pains that are not part of my chronic pain condition. As much as I hate to admit it, I have to back off working long hours into the night. And the icing on the cake, my magical powers of sexy persuasion are diminishing — or are they?

I mean, I still catch them checking me out when I walk by. I even caught a teenager checking out my ass behind his mother’s back at Target. THAT both creeped me out and delighted me at the same time. Occasionally I get asked for my number. “Occasionally,” meaning it’s happened a couple of times in the last five years, lol. But I’m not in settings where this is normal. This happened at the checkout line at the supermarket and the aisles of Walgreens.

I’ll be 60 in October. Until recent weeks, I’ve held that number closely guarded and have been planning ways to hide it at all costs. I’ve planned since I was around 40, that I’d have a facelift at 60 if I could afford it. Vanity wins the battle of the disgust I feel thinking about having my face removed and replaced; however, I cannot afford it comfortably, AND I DON’T NEED A FRIGGIN FACE LIFT! Botox and fillers, sure thing, bring ’em on. Maybe I’ll even start wearing a little makeup.

The thing is, I’m suddenly not “ashamed” of my age. Not quite sure why I thought I was in the first place. Well, social stigma of course. Although I have a coaching course about the midlife awakening, I still felt the sting of the whole thing — or did I?

I now feel as though I was acting as if I was oh, so concerned because THAT’S the social convention. We’re taught to fight aging, fight to look like ourselves. In reality, I’m grateful I’ve made it this far and I know I’ll be okay going forward. Yeah, it stinks to get old and achy, but does that mean I shrivel up and fade to dust? Hide myself so as not to offend the youthful? Heck no. I’m a woman who happens to be 60. I’m not ashamed; I’m proud. Now that it’s actually here, what’s the big deal?

I’ve studied the three principles of mind, consciousness, and thought and have a great understanding of how thought forms the shape of our lives. If all I do is focus on my aches and pains, lack of the energy I once had, and the changes in my skin, then that’s all I’ll have. If I focus on the REST of, well, everything else in life, then THAT’S what I’ll have. I understand my limitations and go from there. I make tweaks and changes to how I do things and how I react to them and go from there.

It all sounds so simple, really. The truth is, it IS. So I’ll continue supplying digital content and courses, I’ll continue talking about how thought shapes our lives, and I’ll continue living my life and trying to help others do the same without being stuck in the feelings they don’t want to be stuck in.

I’ll do this as long as I can.

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