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Whispers of Desire

Justine’s Journal | 19 February 2024

I’m going to say it again, “Love that Just Is”, the Yin-Yang, Twin Flames ~

Tarot of Sexual Magic by Laura Tuan art by Mauro De Luca | Beach Time Soul by Sishui | Romance Angels by Dorren Virtue

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I don’t know, I feel like you’re hesitant to give in, is there another tie? Or not convinced? Conversation alone is an expression of love, thoughts, ideas, they alone create reality.

King of Rods mid center of the reading; these two just want to come near each other and embrace each other closely.

There’s a true connection here, it doesn’t feel lustful to me, they look up to you because of your powerful influence on them, your kindness, protection, support of them and others, but they mostly respect you, for the risk, invested time and work you’ve put in.

King of Rods paired with the Queen of Rods is a power couple!

Trust your instincts, follow your impulses, you’re a magnet for great things. Openness and fidelity born on simple interaction between couples is a quiet willpower and mutual desire to offer and embrace each other.

10 of Rods, you’re holding all the cards, it’s your call, if you want to give it a go. Look at the image on this card, they just couldn’t resist, hold out any longer.

At the basis of the spread we have, The Empress.

Doesn’t she look just “sure of herself “

An Empress, this feminine is not naïve or sheltered in any way, they have won their place with their character, and triumphs over evil, she cannot be swayed or tempted with deceitful intentions. She’s humble but bad and knows it.

Photo by Heather Mount on Unsplash

Oracle | True Love

“This is the romance of a lifetime!”

This individual has genuine love for you and you both can overcome the issues that arise.

Don’t compromise with unsuitable partners, it's important that you treat yourself well and take good care of yourself.

If you found value in these messages, feel free to share it with your friends or leave a tip to support my work :) Blessings and Good Fortune :)

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