avatarKhushi Anand


Seven Things That Help Me Manage Stress Like a Superhero

Goodbye burnout

Photo by Amina Filkins on Pexels

With so much to do all the time, so much to see, and never-ending information to consume, we’re all bound to be more stressed.

But how can you manage it? How can you go through life with a little less care and a little more freedom?

Here are some things that help me manage my stress so my head isn’t bursting all the time. Hope this helps.

Slow mornings

I used to wake up, get cleaned up, and go straight to work.

The first thought in my head would be, ‘I’m late, I have so much to do.’

My body barely had any time to rise and get used to a new day. I was in constant fuss all the time.

Until I started waking up an hour earlier. Now I wake up a little more slowly, meditate, take some time to just be, and then get on with my day.

This helps you be calmer through the rest of your day. Your mornings are important. How you start your day has a major impact on how you feel through the day.

Wake up slowly, take some time to let your body adjust to a new day, and then push yourself to get to tasks.

No notifications for the first few hours of the day

I cannot stress this enough, seriously.

This one habit has had the biggest impact on my mental health ever. The first task of my day is always writing an article.

Once I’m through with my morning routine and have finished up an article, only then do I let myself switch on my phone.

This way, you’ve already had a win for the day, and your phone isn’t dictating how your day starts. Any stress or problems that those notifications are going to bring can wait till you’ve done what’s important to you.

Start your day with a win, focusing on your number one priority, and only then let the stress of the world get to you. You’ll be able to manage it with a much more positive outlook and it won’t get in the way of your mood or priorities.

Romanticise your life

Your routine gets mundane once in a while, that’s okay. It happens to the best of us.

We see other people’s stories on social media and assume everyone has the shiniest, most happening life.

But, they don’t really.

Focus on yours. It’s time to start romanticizing your life.

What are some small things that bring you joy? I love fresh flowers, Starbucks lattes, crisp candles, and new novels. So, I indulge in these without any guilt.

Include these little things that bring you joy in your life.

Stop focusing on other random people. Behave like the main character.

Focus on what brings you happiness, not what others tell you is important. Put on some music, take pictures of random things you love, and let yourself be happy.

Invest in good novels

Here you are again, stuck in that big head of yours.

What you need is perspective. You need to get out of the big mess of problems your thoughts have created for you and let go for some time.

Novels give us this rare experience of being in someone else’s head. Yesterday, I was reading Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky and I thought to myself, ‘This guy thinks way too much. He just needs to relax.’

And, oh how ironic that is.

Reading from another person’s perspective will help you get out of your head, decrease your stress by 68%, and help you become more self-aware.

There are seriously no cons of a good book well-read.

Eat clean

Sugar, fast food, and packaged snacks all help add to your already high stress levels.

On the other hand, foods like nuts, fruits, and fish oil, will help manage your moods and lower your stress. That’s a magic pill you can’t say no to.

If someone told you drinking a glass of this potion would help you feel happier, wouldn’t you take it?

Eat the right foods. They’ll give you a tremendous upper hand.

Sweat out your toxins

Here’s my favorite thing to do each time I’m overly stressed and just sick of life.

I hit the gym, pick up weights double my kilos, and sweat it out until my body’s exhausted.

It makes everything better.

We often make excuses that we’re too tired to work out. We don’t have the time or the energy.

But the funny thing is, exercising regularly will give you more energy and make you more productive and efficient, automatically adding time to your day.

Don’t skimp on this life hack

Write down your worries, then let them go

We often have a lot we’re worrying about that we’re not even aware of. Your subconscious might be ruminating on something that happened in your childhood some 16 years ago.

This constant rumination in our heads only adds to our stress levels.

This is why it’s so important to start meditating and noticing your thoughts.

The next best thing is to pick up a journal every week or every few days and start writing whatever comes to your mind. You might be surprised by what you see on paper.

Let it go.

Last thoughts

These little things help me manage stress and be more positive daily.

I hope they help you too.

With love,


Self Improvement
Mental Health
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