Serial Story Review “Timbre’s Tapestry” Chapters 7 And 8
The Maddening Storm and The Loggers Road

Chapter seven opens with Timbre, Frito, and his younger siblings Marina and Misto having a stroll through the Hazel festival. All of them chat about what they will do with their day. They’re all headed to the Hazel grovel to work out what they can do to help Timbre going forward, but Timbre is sure Frito means to propose, so she’s making a point of lollygagging with the youngsters.
Timbre is right, of course, and Frito starts getting frustrated as the storm sweeps over Downey Ridge. Frito, Marina, and Misto all end up in a heap just inside the hazel tree grove, where they huddle and wait out the storm. To Frito’s shock and dismay, Timbre is nowhere to be seen.
The town at large devolves into a similar state of disarray. People diving for what cover they can, families getting separated, stalls overturning, windows broken by flying debris. It was the biggest disaster in recent memory, and no one seemed to notice Timbre was missing in the confusion.
No one except the Spinners, who sat in an undisturbed home angrily waiting for her to return, and Frito, who ran around town searching for her.

Chapter eight opens with Timber being tossed clear of the town lines onto the Logger’s road. She had never gone to this place and felt a great sense of foreboding terror connected to it. So she gets up, disoriented, and takes off running away from town.
Finally, after hours of running with brief rests, she runs blindly into a man on a horse, startling and rolling off the side of the trail down a wooded hill. William, the newly introduced woodsman, is terrified he may have just killed a stranger and leaps off his horse to retrieve what he hopes will be a living person. When he reaches the bottom of the hill, Timbre rolls down, and she is thankfully alive. William realizes he’s much closer to home than to Downey Ridge and the Hazel Festival he had been trying to get to.
Timbre wakes in a panic, head, and body in pain from the tumble she took in a strange place. Her outburst of fear at these realizations startles William again, but he does his best to reassure her that she can rest all she needs. Despite the seeming tranquility and kindness she finds there with William, Timbre is filled with an overwhelming sense of dread she can’t quite understand or place. So all she could do, for the most part, was cry and sleep that first day.
K.B. Silver
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