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September’s Earnings Down

Those August jollies didn’t last

I was so impressed by my August earnings, I thought Medium had turned a corner and things were on the up!

Hoping for great things, I scribbled away in September, commenting on UK climate policy news, the naked rambler, and why ‘Germans’ were removed from a 1940s living history event. Some of those stories got respectable engagement.

However, after a really good August it was a bit disappointing to find my September earnings finished 60% down, compared to the previous month. Or to put it another way, I earned 40% of what I’d earned in August.

Admittedly, the difference between the two months is mostly because one story took off in August and went a little bit viral. But in September, nothing really took off in a big way.

Virality seems to be the key to success on Medium— but it’s not easy to predict what will fly! And Medium boost? What’s that? It doesn’t seem to come my way.

August screenshot by author
September screenshot by author

As you can see, I had almost twice as many views in August, compared to September. It was due to this story doing particularly well…

In September I was on holiday for two weeks, so I wasn’t reading or engaging while I was away. That probably didn’t help, but I always try to make up for my absences when I get back.

I had almost as much absence in August, but managed to find a campsite with wifi that month, so I was able to keep in touch a little more.

Did you find September earnings were disappointing compared to August when many of us did quite well?

I plan to publish some Halloween stories this month. Maybe one of those will fly. 😈 Whooooaaah! Wish me luck!

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