avatarMark Sanford, Ph.D.


Self-Respect as the Bedrock of Achievement

How to find self-acceptance in an era of quiet quitting

Recently, I have come to value self-worth as a primary value. It organizes my daily activities because of its power as an explanatory rationale.

In this article, the reader will learn how to harness self-worth as a foundation for getting things done.

The self-worth theory posits that an individual’s main priority in life is to seek self-acceptance. Achievement is the main avenue by which this self-acceptance comes about.

The main context in which achievement occurs is when we compete with others. Successfully competing with others generates pride for us and improves our self-acceptance.

The theory proposes three main elements of self-worth: ability, effort, and performance. These elements interact with each other and determine our level of self-worth.

Ability, effort, and performance contribute to one’s feeling of value and worth.

The first three interact with each other to determine one’s level of self-worth. A higher level of self-worth happens when all three work together.

Types of Self-worth

There are three main types of self-respect. First, your self-appraisal of your talents, skills, and accomplishments. Second, the judgments of others. And third, one’s level of confidence that you can go for what you want.

These three elements help you determine what interests to pursue.

What are the characteristics of high self-esteem?

People with high self-worth know that other people will enjoy spending time with them. They believe that they are equal to others. They focus on their strengths and don’t compare themselves to others.

They believe in themselves; they are problem solvers; they are high on self-care: They are very resilient and are aware of negative emotions. They are not afraid of anger, guilt, or fear. Instead, they examine the reasons behind these emotions and then address them.

Development of Self-Worth

Enhancement of self-worth comes about by lifting your achievements. Your interests determine what arena you choose to explore; hence what you achieve depends on what path you decide to pursue.

Self-worth comes from helping others or pursuing good works. It is also improved by developing new skills.

Lastly, self-worth is enhanced by developing new skills or raising the ones you have to a higher level. These generate value for others and add to their recognition of your efforts.


In my view, self-worth is most significant when there is a match between your interests and the demands of your work role.

Recent interest has centered on the so-called quiet quitting. This phrase refers to the disinterested worker who lacks excitement for their job. And it may manifest as reluctance to accept more responsibilities and initiative.

The polling company Gallup found that at least half of Americans fit the definition of quiet quitting.

Accomplishments will feel better if they come about in areas of fond engagement. If you are only going through the motions to secure material needs, life may lose its vivacity.

Self Worth
Personal Growth
Quiet Quitting
Self Improvement
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