

Self-Conceit — Poisons The Mind:

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Self-conceit means that one is pleased with himself and considers himself superior to others — whether he has an accomplishment or not.

Allah says:” And walk not on earth with Conceit and Arrogance.’’ (17:37).

Ujb (self-conceit) is one of the greatest diseases and vices that prevent a person From elevating spiritually in all aspects of their life. It is a vice triggered by the Faculty of anger (al-quwwah al-ghaḍabiyyah) when it is not kept in moderation – which would have subsequently resulted in humbleness and modesty.

It is a trait that not only acts as a spiritual barrier but also prevents individuals From seeing Flaws and mistakes in their selves.

Ujb is when an individual magnifies their own virtues and good deeds (whether they truly possess them or not) and considers themselves superior due to these traits. This is not accompanied by any sense of humility or humbleness and — neither does the individual consider these to be Favours of Allah (swt) bestowed upon him. Another type of it is when one starts to see their bad traits and deeds in a positive light.

Many may confuse ‘Ujb with Kibr (pride), but there exists a minute, yet significant difference between the two. Kibr is one of the effects and off-springs of ‘Ujb. In ‘Ujb, it is enough that a person considers themselves to be special, whereas in Kibr not only does a person consider themselves superior, but they go out of their way to undermine others.

It is possible For one to consider themselves special, but at the same time consider certain others to be superior to themselves, and this would constitute conceit.

Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi said — “And know: that most people have perished because of the Fear of people’s criticism and love of their praise — So all their actions are in accordance with what pleases people, hoping For praise, whilst Fearing criticism.This is one of the types of perishing, (as the priority is pleasing people rather than Allah), and its treatment is needed.”

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Imam Sadiq said: ‘Do not be irritating or ill-mannered and humble yourself by bearing the one who opposes you, and the one who is above you, and the one who has a preference over you, and accept the preference of the one who is opposed to you. The one who does not accept the preference of others would be self-conceited in his opinion.’ (Ibid, VIII, Hadith al-Qibab, no. 337)

Beware of self-conceit, Trusting in what pleases you of yourself, and approving to be praised — because this is one of the most important opportunities For Satan to obliterate the good deeds of the virtuous.

Salamah bin Al-Akwa` (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "Man continues to display haughtiness and arrogance until he is recorded among the arrogant and will be therefore afflicted with what afflicts them.'' (At-Tirmidhi).

To adopt the habits and manners of good people is deemed to be desirable. But, on the contrary, to take to the bad ways of bad people is considered undesirable — A man will ultimately be counted among those people whom he will take as a model to emulate, because he is gradually Fitted into their Framework and assimilates all of their qualities. Quite naturally then retribution will be administered to him accordingly.

So the point is — The point is that Self-conceit and Arrogance a Spiritual disease that arises From disobeying Allah(swt) and making oneself God. A person who disobeys Allah(swt) and considers others to be inferior to him may suffer From arrogance — because he does not have Fear of his Creator in his heart.

Whoever is arrogant with the verses of Allah (swt) — then he becomes a slave to his own soul. And the one who became a slave of the self, he remained at a loss in this World and the Hereafter.

May Allah (swt) protect us From Self-conceit & Arrogance and other diseases of the heart.(Ameen).

JazakAllah (May Allah reward you [with] goodness)for reading.


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