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Selected Items from Colson T. Turnpenny’s Extraordinary Private Collection

Colson T Turnpenny’s Private Collection (Image: Public Domain)
  1. The Final Words of Sir Thomas More Trapped in a Bagpipe — 5gn
  2. An Angel’s Toenail— £2
  3. A Chinese Fan That — When Opened — Spies into Various Ladies’ Bedchambers — 3gn
  4. Christopher Marlowe’s Nose Hair — 7/6
  5. Hens’ Teeth & Horse Feathers — 2/
  6. A Martian Travel Guide to Earth — £3
  7. Christ’s First Woodworking Project (A Key Ring in the Shape of a Cross) 8gn
  8. Potion of Invisibility (Probably Now Lost) -
  9. Tutankahmun’s Left Sandal — 2gn
  10. The Last Fish Supper of a Mermaid 2/2
  11. A Genuine Petrified Yeti Snow Shoe— 3/6
  12. Robin Hood’s (Or Possibly Maid Marian’s) Tights — 7/3
  13. The Stale Singed Crust from the Cream Bun that Started the Great Fire of London — 1/6

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