avatarSimon Jung


A man leaves his family to seek adventure but returns to find his wife has moved on, reflecting the author's exploration of constrained writing through limericks.


The narrative unfolds in three limericks, detailing a man's impulsive departure from his family to pursue a life of adventure at sea. After a year of indulgence in women and beer, he realizes his love for his wife and returns home, only to be rejected as she has moved on. The author shares this as a personal challenge in constrained writing, expressing enjoyment in crafting the limericks and adhering to their rhythmic and rhyming structure, inspired by a prompt from Willow Schroeder.


  • The author finds pleasure in the challenge of constrained writing, particularly in the form of limericks.
  • The story suggests a critique of the protagonist's irresponsible decision to abandon his family for personal adventure.
  • The protagonist's realization of his love for his wife comes too late, indicating a bittersweet resolution to his journey.
  • The author expresses gratitude to Willow Schroeder for providing the prompt that sparked their creative endeavor.

Seeking Adventure

A story told in three limericks

Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

A man who had made up his mind to not be confined by his womankind one night he did flee on a boat oversea, left his wife and their children behind.

Didn’t know what such life would incur as a lonely and lost voyageur. He was gone a whole year, sucking women and beer and yet, he kept longing for her.

He still loved her and hey, apropos: did he not leave her with embryo? And so he did return but his wife did him spurn — turns out, she had moved on long ago.

It’s been a while since I’ve done anything with constrained writing and this marks the very first time I’ve written limericks. It definitely brought me a lot of enjoyment to play with the rhythm of words and massage them into the meter and rhyme scheme. Thank you, Willow Schroeder for the prompt.

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