SECRET Formula for CRAZY intimacy
Here’s an illegal secret to create CRAZY intimacy with her….
A level of closeness that goes way beyond just physical attraction. Because let’s be honest. Sex without that ONE thing is just…Masturbation with another body.
Hypothetically, I’ve been with QUITE A FEW women in my life and what I’ve noticed is this…No hookup, no matter how beautiful she is or what she can do to your sausage….None of these women can give you an orgasm that comes close to an orgasm that goes beyond the physical….
But a lot of guys are out will never experience this UNLESS they change this ONE thing….
They will never experience real emotional and physical intimacy because they choose to remain a Kevin. And they always wonder why things are so mundane in the bedroom.
6 feet, 6-pack and 6 figures
Now, let’s shatter a big myth right first. It’s not about having stacks of cash, a swanky job title, or being famous. Those things — what we call ‘absolute value’ — will not create the crazy intimacy REAL men are after.
They’ll get you trashy women, for sure, but high-quality women will go deeper than this.
So what’s the secret?
Relative value is about how she perceives you compared to her own value. To increase your relative value, you’ve got to master charisma, wit, and true masculinity. And remember, a strong frame and masculine presence are essential to make her feel safe, secure, and wildly attracted to you. Plus, always be a gentleman — your character is non-negotiable.
Relative Value is the foundation of attraction. Because what most men get absolutely wrong is this. They think a woman’s desire can be turned on/off like the engine of a car. But bro, let me tell you a secret.
Like a car, a woman has accelerators and brakes.
You can slam the accelerator to the floor, but if the brakes are still jammed, you’re not moving an inch. (Thanks Emily Nagoski who scientifically explained what I experienced but never could put my finger on…)
Wild Intimacy = Hit the accelerators + Lose the breaks
Let’s talk accelerators — these are the things that get her engine running:
- Confidence: Not arrogance, but a solid, unshakeable belief in yourself.
- Humor: Making her laugh, showing your playful side.
- Intelligence: Engaging her mind, challenging her thoughts in a respectful way.
- Passion: Having interests and hobbies that you’re genuinely excited about.
- Sensitivity: Being in tune with her emotions, showing empathy.
Now, the brakes — these are the things that’ll halt everything:
- Neediness: Clinging onto her for validation.
- Insecurity: Constantly doubting yourself and seeking reassurance.
- Lack of ambition: Having no direction or drive in life.
- Aggressiveness: Confusing assertiveness with being domineering.
- Disrespect: Not valuing her thoughts, opinions, or boundaries.
Now, how do you display this masculinity, especially in the early stages of dating or even if you’ve been in the game for a while? Here are some practical ways:
Early Dating
- Take the lead: Plan dates, suggest activities. Show you’re capable of making decisions. Suggest outfits for the date
- Be present: Put away your phone, engage in meaningful conversation.
- Show your assertiveness: Express your opinions, don’t just agree with everything she says.
Long-Term Relationships
- Dating never stops: Treat her like you’ve just met her This is a two-way street btw)
- Maintain your independence: Keep up with your hobbies, social life, and personal growth.
- Be her rock: Support her in her ambitions, be there for her in tough times.
“But Gene, HOW do I learn all this?” Don’t wory, I got you covered
Implement these two exercises:
- Daily Masculinity Practice: Each morning, list three things you’ll do to embody your masculine energy. It could be hitting the gym, reading a book on personal development, or practicing a hobby that challenges you.
- Character Reflections: At the end of each day, write down instances where you displayed (or failed to display) masculine traits. Learn from these reflections and plan to improve.
If you want to dive even deeper, check out my eBook. It’s your playbook for transforming into the man women can’t resist.
Grab Your Copy of My eBook Now and start your journey to being the man who sets her world on fire. Trust me, it’s not just a read; it’s a revolution.
Stay a Legend,
With Love,