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Seasons in Korean language (Korean learning time)

Korean learning time


I am not a Korean teacher, and I am learning Korean for fun. This text may contain some mistakes. If you see any, please let me know. Thank you!

Okay, now that you know that I am sharing this for fun and also to review some Korean for myself, I can continue writing.

Today was the first day of the Spring!

Happy Spring everyone!

What a fantastic reason to learn how to say/write seasons in the Korean language.

So let’s start.

In Korean language, Spring is 봄 (pom).

Image by Author.

This was my way of remembering how to say ‘Spring’ in Korean.

Try to be creative and draw something similar yourself.

It is much easier to remember words when we write and draw.

Or when you are listening to Korean songs.

I definitely didn’t choose this song as an example for spring because I am a BTS fan, haha (Is anyone else here a BTS fan?)

Ok, now to the second word for today.

How do you say Summer in Korean?

In Korean language, Summer is 여름 (yeoreum).

Image by Author.

Again, this is one of my “artistic” ways to remember words.

And an example of a song with the word 여름 in it.

The third word is Autumn.

How do you say Autumn in Korean?

In Korean language, Autumn is 가을 (gaeul).

Image by Author.

Do you like 가을?

I like it because the leaves are falling, and all of nature has beautiful colors. For me, 가을 is a magical season.

And the last word for today is Winter.

How do you say Winter in Korean?

In Korean language, Winter is 겨울 (gyeoul.

Image by Author.

겨울 used to be cold and snowy. I miss the snow in 겨울.

Bonus word:

In Korean language, season is 계절 (gyejeol)

Now when you know how to say seasons in Korean language, it is story time!

I was still sleeping when my sister came into my room and started to scream.

“It is 봄! Peter, 봄 is finally here!”

여름, 가을, 겨울, 봄 — I didn’t care. I just wanted to sleep.

“Leave me alone, Sara. I want to sleep.”

“Mum, can you please take Sara out? It is Sunday, and I really want to sleep!” — I screamed feeling even more tired than before.

“Sara, what did I say? Leave your brother alone. He stayed up last night studying for his exam; he deserves some rest.”

“Thank you, Mum.” — I said as she took my little sister out of my room.

The problem was that now I was wide awake. I couldn’t sleep.

I opened a window.

The sun was shining and birds were singing.

봄 was here.

That is all for today!

I hope you enjoy learning Korean with me!

If you want more of those articles, let me know in the comments :)

Language Learning
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