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Me playing the fool with a sea lion in the Galápagos | Photograph by my wife

Sea Lions Just Want To Have Fun

January Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Fun”

“Found you,” said the sea lion.

We were on San Cristobal Island in the Galápagos and had a few days to spare before our liveaboard set sail. While looking for something to do, one of the locals told us of La Loberia. Apparently, it was a beautiful beach with great snorkeling.

We hired some gear and made the 3-kilometer walk to the beach. Beautiful white sand contrasted by dark volcanic rock bordered turquoise waters on three sides of the bay. It was stunning, and the water looked ever so inviting.

We were hot from the walk, so we quickly changed into our snorkeling gear and waded into the refreshing waters of the Pacific Ocean. Putting our heads below the surface, we were greeted by a majestic underwater world. Turtles swam lazily mere meters from us, and then a young sea lion came to investigate.

He or she was a playful little thing — darting around us smooth and swift. It was a delightful experience, and we had fun with our little host for almost an hour.

Only the eventual onset of shivering drove us from the water and to the warmth of the beach. The sea lion seemed disappointed we were leaving — so we returned the next day for another ‘play date’.

Thank you for reading, and thank you, Sandi Parsons, for the great prompt.

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