avatarCindy Shore Smith


School is at Home

A Song Parody of Sunny Came Home by Shawn Colvin

Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

School is at home and it’s such a drag School is on Zoom and I hate it Long day ahead, I’ve got hours of this There is no way to evade it

I say days go by I want to cry I really miss my friends I close my eyes and pray it’s all a dream It never ends

School is at home and I miss P.E. I’d climb the rope ladder gladly Playing foursquare used to seem so dumb Now I find I miss it badly

I say days go by I cannot lie I even miss the lunch line The fun we had when ketchup, milk and peas We would combine

Hours online and eyes are bleary Head is full and mind is weary Count the hours, I just can’t make it Post my photo, could I fake it?

As days go by I can’t deny I might just lose my mind Offscreen I’m making progress at Fortnite Keeps me alive

Oh send my work and read the printout Hope is burning down Could I maybe give up, drop out? School is at home School is at home

Online School
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