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Scammers Are Said to Be Behind September Earnings Bubble Burst

Apparently, it’s not a new change in monetization


The million-dollar question on everybody’s minds recently is whether the gold rush many experienced with the August algorithm changes is finally over.

Many wondered if there was algorithm tinkering going on.

There were tonnes of articles addressed to Medium asking why and how could you.

Today, my Medium friend Adrian CDTPPW posted an article in which Medium’s Director of Publication Relations, Ariel Meadows Starling, responded to a comment by him stating that the recent tanking in earnings is due to fraudulent activity.

And I quote from the response: “We found fraudulent activity from accounts targeting our program to specifically divert funds. If you’re a Partner Program writer, you may have seen a decrease in earnings from on or around September 25th. Our team has removed these users and we’re taking action to mitigate the impact to Partner Program writers.”

So, we were hacked by bots?

It looks like they were behind the manufactured engagement.

As per the comment, Medium is working hard to fix the issue and bring the platform back on track. The comment adds that there will be an official announcement once the fraudulent activity has been properly dealt with.

To read Adrian’s article and Ariel’s full comment, please refer to this link.

🎈I’m curious, do you think the mystery of who broke the piggy bank is solved? Do share!

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