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The author of the article is announcing their departure from Medium after 3.5 years, expressing dissatisfaction with the current state of the platform and a desire for more engaging content.


The author has decided to leave Medium after a long period of engagement with the platform, citing a loss of the unique character and charm that initially drew them in. They express frustration with the prevalence of content from self-proclaimed 'influencers' that lacks substance and authenticity. The repetitive nature of such articles has led to a lack of motivation, inspiration, and meaningful conversation. Despite the decision to move on, the author remains hopeful that Medium will improve and does not rule out a future return. They have already taken steps to explore other platforms, with Substack being their first destination for a new publishing venture.


  • The author feels that the Medium experience has become 'dead, flat and lifeless,' a stark contrast to the vibrant platform they once enjoyed.
  • There is a perceived oversaturation of content focused on financial success and follower growth, which the author finds uninspiring and devoid of credible evidence.
  • The author is critical of the quality of content on Medium, describing much of it as mediocre and unoriginal, often regurgitating second-hand information.
  • A sense of nostalgia is evident for the 'strange, entertaining or enlightening titillation' that Medium used to offer, which the author no longer experiences.
  • The author acknowledges personal growth and change as potential factors in their shifting perspective on Medium.
  • Despite their current disillusionment, the author leaves the door open for a potential reconciliation with Medium in the future.
  • The author's tone suggests a mix of disappointment and hopefulness, recognizing Medium's potential to evolve and improve.

Sayonara Medium! We’re Breaking Up

Perhaps one day our paths will cross again.

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Well Medium, the time has finally come. After 3 and a half years of reading, writing, highlighting, clapping and wrecking my brain trying to figure out just what the fuck was going on at Medium HQ, I’ve decided to take my leave and explore new lands.

It has been fun. There’ve been ups and downs. Successes and failures. Smiles and frowns. But over the past few months shit just ain’t been the same. Something’s different. The spark just ain’t there. The Medium experience I once loved and cherished now feels dead, flat and lifeless —like Britney Spear’s ‘revived’ music career.

Where’s the character gone Medium? And the charm of the good old days? Cus I just can’t seem to find it anymore.

What I can find, however, is an abundance of shit from wanna be ‘influencers’ telling me how much they’ve earned this month, how they manage to gain so many followers and how they’ve mastered the skill of writing mediocre Medium articles — all of which usually contain fuck all evidence to back up their claims and are often just things they’ve read but not yet experienced (all except for the mediocrity of course).

I’m sorry — not sorry — to say the repetitiveness of it all gets pretty old, pretty quickly and does nothing to spark motivation, inspiration or conversation.

I need more Medium! Give me something to work with! Give me that buzz I once felt when logging on in the past; where I had no idea what strange, entertaining or enlightening titillation I may encounter. It’s just not the same.

Yea, times have changed and perhaps I have too. Such is life.

So, in moving forward. I’ve decided to spread my wings, explore elsewhere and see what other options the online world of blogging/writing has to offer.

Don’t worry too much though Medium — I doubt you were — this is not a goodbye as such, more of a ‘see ya later’ kinda thing as I’m sure there will come a day when I return to the platform ready to reconcile.

But for now, I’m off. My first stop, Substack; where I have set up a brand new profile and publication page where I will be posting to this week — Check it out here.

Good luck Medium, I know you’ll eventually sort your shit out and perhaps one day our paths will cross again.

Until next time, sayonara 👋.

Writers Life
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