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Say No To An Extra $1000? What? Never!

My solopreneur journey

Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Very few people would say No to an extra $1000. Even an extra $100 would be really helpful for many individuals. But how can you actually make this extra money?

The past 6 months have been a roller coaster ride in my solopreneur journey.

I was highly motivated by this quote, “People overestimate what they can do in one year, and underestimate what they can do in 10 years!”

So I decided,

Let’s not get overestimated and underestimated at the same time!

➡ There is no perfect time to start anything!

We just have to give it a try and take the leap of trust by taking the first step!

So I started, and that is where my journey began!

I Did my Research and Found my Niche!

As the mentors say, the first step to becoming a solopreneur is to find your niche, in which you will provide your services.

This task is more challenging than you may think.

It requires extensive research to identify a less competitive market with significant growth potential in the near future.

Thanks to the teachings of one of my mentors, this step became much easier for me!

The Easy Method!

If you want to find your Niche, you have to answer these questions

  • What is a broad topic I know extremely well?
  • What’s a niche I know even better?
  • Who will I help in that sub-niche?
  • What problem do you help your audience overcome?
  • What outcome, specifically, do you help them achieve?
  • How do I create the outcome?

For Example:

Your Broad topic → Story Telling

Sub Niche → Success, Failure, Personal Development

Targetted Audience → Working people

Problems I am helping to overcome → To build connections, To gain new perspectives

Outcome → Navigate their own challenges, Direction toward growth

How to create outcome → Content generation

I Started Building My Backlog

It’s good to have a backlog before launching anything

Once I identified my niche, I started creating content around it. I went live on October 6th and have since published 9 Newsletters on my website and 27 blog posts on Medium.

I am 1 month ahead in my backlog compared to my current progress.

And it’s awesome!

What’s the Key?

The key is to have a clear goal of what you are doing and what you are aiming for.

It is important to know your current position, where you stood yesterday, and where you will be standing tomorrow.

“Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.” -Paulo Coelho

It is a Journey Not a Destination

When I say that Solopreneurship is a Journey, not a Destination

What I mean is “It’s a long way to go in Learning, Growing, and Thriving” and Boom! This idea inspired me to name my Website!

But, Of course, the road is bumpy.

I haven’t streamlined my processes yet, but I am making progress!

And that, in itself, is a measure of success!

Here’s where I am balancing between overestimating and underestimating.

And I am more than Happy!

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” -Albert Einstein

Road Blocks!

“Road blocks” refers to obstacles or barriers that delay progress or hinder the smooth flow of activities or processes.

As I said, Solopreneurship is a Journey

And you will never experience a journey to be smooth and streamlined

You have to face some Roadblocks

The roadblocks I have faced

I experienced several obstacles in my roller coaster ride, and I am ready to face more!

The most intimidating thoughts when I followed the process:

  • Doubts about whether I had made the right decision
  • Fears of failure.

But I reminded myself that “Our circumstances do not define who we are, rather our decisions define who we are.”

Remember, Consistency and Not to Give Up is the Key!

Success Doesn’t come Overnight!

Success doesn’t come overnight.

It is a result of continuous learning, growth, and perseverance.

The journey of solopreneurship is filled with ups and downs, but it is important to keep going and stay focused on your goals.

The secret is to take the first step and never give up!

Remember that success is a long-term process, and it requires dedication and effort. As Paulo Coelho said, “Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want.”

So stay determined, stay focused, and keep pushing forward on your journey towards success.

This post comes from my weekly newsletter — The Friday Fireside Motivation Letter — which will help you stay motivated throughout the week.

Personal Growth
Storytelling For Business
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