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San George vs Lara Croft: A Critical Examination of a Timeless Tale

No myth is more outdated than that of St. George and the Dragon. Why?

S.George and the Dragon, Vitale da Bologna — about 1335 (Wikipedia)

Look at this altarpiece by Vitale da Bologna: isn’t it beautiful? It tells the famous myth of St. George and the Dragon. The Good triumphs over Evil.

But are we able to interpret it this way today?


Firstly, the dragon

Nowadays, nobody thinks of the dragon as evil anymore.

Fierce animals have lost their place in our society. They are — practically — extinct. Natural reserves are the big prison where some of them are kept.

In any case, we have powerful weapons to face them safely. You don’t need to be a soldier to confront a monster. Just have a cheap revolver.

Furthermore, Chinese tradition shows us the dragon as a symbol of renewal and goodness.

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Do you remember Michael Ende’s good dragon, the friendly dragon from Dragonheart, or even the faithful ally in Game of Thrones?

In short, it’s easier to be on the side of the dragon than on that of the hunter.


The Hunter

The figure of the hunter, contrary to the myth, has become hateful. Hunting is now a sport but not a necessity.

Therefore, the hunter embodies more the pleasure of killing than the skill of tracking down monsters.

In an increasingly vegetarian, raw, vegan, and fruitarian world, carnivores (those who eat meat) are held in low regard.


The Defenseless Maiden

St. George faces the dragon to save the Defenseless Maiden. No woman today wants to identify with the “Defenseless Maiden” anymore.

Today’s model seems to be Lara Croft: a fully armed heroine, perfectly capable of defending herself. A lethal weapon in every sense.

Photo by John Ch on Unsplash

A girl that a meek man would never want to meet on his path. At the same time, it is a perfect product for an individualistic society where results are achieved on one’s own, and motherhood is a matter to be dealt with by doctors. Controversies aside, the Defenseless Maiden wants to be married.

And why should it be a “woman”?

Couldn’t it be another type of affection in distress and need of liberation? Why not another unarmed man? A companion?

Today, gender equality demands the utmost respect.


The Horse

All that remains is the horse. Even though it’s no longer a means of transportation, its image has remained unchanged.

The horse’s image is still politically correct, universally respected, and a symbol of acquired nobility.

Vitale da Bologna’s horse (you may see in the picture above) has been admired by many painters.

Modern artists, in particular, have appreciated this representation. I recommend looking at Francesco Messina’s “Dying Horse” and Picasso’s horse in the Guernica fresco.

My name is Andrea Becca, a Philosophy graduate and a journalist. www.andreabecca.it

However, life led me to become the owner of a bed and breakfast in the heart of Bologna, Italy. This venture offers me a unique and privileged perspective on life and the world. It is from this vantage point that the stories I share are born.


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