avatarJay Squires


San Antonio Rogues.

The past episodes from Howie and Jay’s adventures

Photo by Gabriel Tovar on Unsplash

Here they are all in one spot, because I love each of you dear readers who wants to get up to speed with the ongoing adventures of Howie and Jay.

The cockamamie reason the rogues ended up in San Antonio in the first place. Lotsa juicy backstory …

Oh, the travails of surviving on Unemployment benefits while I worked on the Great American Novel and practiced the art of not getting a real job.

On the day the State of California Unemployment department dissolved their Patronship of my novel (gave me my walking papers) … my new lifeguarding job that Howie finagled for me through his boss — and my boss who kept winking at me.

The first day this most unlifeguardsman-like recruit, as if he wasn’t stressed enough by his boss’s flirtiness, got indoctrinated by the departing lifeguard, pledged never to lose the keychain ceremoniously placed on his neck, and got thrust in the middle of a possible, but as yet undisclosed, conspiracy.

Howie’s moved out to attend college in Austin, Texas with his girlfriend, June. Jay’s doing some housekeeping to get the “scent” of Howie out of the house he now occupies alone. Meanwhile, everything’s going hunky-dory as a lifeguard. Jay’s getting brown as a nut, enjoying a lot of reading. What could be better! And then … Mr. Tarsdale pops an invitation on him….

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