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Rustic Reverie — Verses from the Countryside

Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

In the heart of nature’s grand design, Where rustic dreams and wonders twine, Amidst the meadows kissed by dawn, A tranquil world, where time is drawn.

Where wildflowers dance in the gentle breeze, And rivers whisper ancient, secret pleas, The countryside, a timeless embrace, Where earth and soul find their sacred space.

Beneath the canvas of cerulean skies, The humble cottage, where solace lies, With ivy-clad walls and a thatched roof high, A sanctuary ‘neath the azure sky.

The rooster’s crow, the morning’s call, Awakens life in the farmstead’s thrall, With golden cornfields stretching wide, In amber waves of tranquil pride.

Beneath the oak’s majestic shade, Where secrets shared won’t ever fade, In quiet moments by the babbling brook, Nature’s wisdom in every nook.

The farmer toils, the soil he tends, His labor’s worth, his heart transcends, For in his hands, he holds the key, To life and growth, to destiny.

The sun, a gentle, golden sphere, Sows warmth and light, dispels all fear, Upon the land, its tender grace, Nurturing life in this tranquil place.

In twilight’s embrace, the firelight gleams, A rustic hearth, where love redeems, The tales of old and songs unsung, In rustic reverie, hearts are wrung.

The owl, a sentinel of the night, Sings lullabies in soft moonlight, A chorus of stars, a cosmic choir, Ignites the soul with burning fire.

Through emerald forests, we gently roam, A sanctuary that calls us home, Where every leaf, a whispered prayer, Connects us to life’s deep, rich layer.

In rustic reverie, we find our soul, Our hearts and nature, an endless goal, To cherish this land, this tapestry, A testament to life’s harmony.

As seasons turn, in nature’s rhyme, A rustic reverie, a fleeting time, Yet in our hearts, it’s forever etched, This countryside dream, by love, is fetched.

For in the rustic embrace of earth and sky, In this serene world where spirits fly, We find our purpose, our souls set free, In rustic reverie’s sweet, timeless decree.

© Harvey Ross | 2023 | All Rights Reserved.

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