Reviewsday Tuesday Submission Guidelines
How to become a reviewer and what to submit

Hello and welcome to Reviewsday Tuesday, the publication that posts reviews of just about anything on exactly one day per week. Books, movies, TV shows, people, places, things, even words in the English dictionary — you name it, you can review it.
This publication is currently accepting new writers to contribute reviews.
Become a Reviewer
- To become a reviewer, leave a comment on this article stating that you understand and agree to the rules and guidelines outlined below
- Ask to be added as a writer for Reviewday Tuesday in your comment
- Provide your Medium ID
That’s all you have to do to become a writer. Well, that, and write reviews. All writers must agree to adhere to the following rules before submitting:
The Core “Rules”
- All reviews submitted to Reviewsday Tuesday must adhere to Medium’s Terms of Service as well as the core Medium Rules. Reviewers found to be in violation will be removed from the publication at my discretion.
- This publication does not tolerate bullying, hate speech, or discrimination of any kind. Reviews containing such material will be immediately rejected. Writers who violate this rule — including on social media — will be subject to removal without warning.
- Please only submit one (1) review per topic, per week. Reviews will be reviewed over the weekend and scheduled to post the next Tuesday. Submissions made on Monday or Tuesday will likely carry over to the following week. (It’s the gimmick.) Therefore please allow up to one full week for publication.
- Please follow Reviewsday Tuesday before asking to become a contributor. Why write for a publication you don’t follow? It is also polite (but not required) to follow the editor, Casey Lawrence.
- Please submit only drafts after your first review. I am happy to accept pre-published reviews from new writers, but I ask that all subsequent submissions be drafts.
- This publication only accepts polished writing; all reviews should be edited for spelling, grammar, and readability. The editor will make small changes, but if a review requires extensive editing, it may be rejected. You may resubmit a rejected review once it has been edited.
Submission Guidelines
- Submit your review as a draft. Before hitting “publish,” use the three dots (…) menu to add your draft to Reviewsday Tuesday by clicking “add story to publication.”
- Turn on Private Notes so that I can comment on your drafts. Go to Settings > Account > Publishing and make sure that the checkbox allowing Private Notes is checked.
- Every review must have a Title in in title case (every word capitalized) and a Subtitle in sentence case (first word capitalized only), formatted using Medium’s text editor. Highlight the text and use the big T icon for titles and the smaller T icon for subtitles. All other formatting is at the discretion of the reviewer.
- Cover photos are required for all reviews, unless they are under 150 words long. (I’m very intrigued by the idea of “micro-reviews”!)
- Images must be cited appropriately. This means providing a source, even for your own image (i.e., “photograph taken by the author, 2023”). This publication adheres to the Illumination guidelines for images.
- Tag your review with one of the following topics in order to be correctly sorted into the Reviewday Tuesday Interest Pages: Book Review Movie Review TV Reviews Game Review or Other Reviews
- As I receive submissions, I may add Interest Pages for other popular review topics. For now, reviews that do not fit into one of the first four categories should use the Other Reviews tag. Use your other four spaces to tag relevant topics. I suggest using the popular tag Review, leaving three spaces for niche tags.

Flexible House Rules
- Reviewsday Tuesday does not accept AI-generated content. Reviews of AI programs are welcome, but please clearly identify any text within your review that was “written” by an AI, such as ChatGPT. This text cannot exceed 25% of the total content of the review.
- I highly encourage the use of your own photographs. Considering the spirit of Reviewsday Tuesday, if you are reviewing a book / place / object, I challenge you to take your own picture of that thing. I mean, of course you don’t have to. But it would be really cool.
- Reviews do not need to rate their subject on any known scale, be it the five-star metric or percentage of rotting fruit. Reviewers are free to include a rating system should they choose, but more interesting are reviews which challenge the genre and add substantive commentary.
- Anything may be reviewed, including erotica, pornography, sex acts, body parts, etc. Please include content warnings on reviews that may contain material above a “PG-13” level. The editor may add such a warning to a draft before publication at her discretion.
- Reviewsday Tuesday encourages reviews of existing media, including the genre of “does this ‘classic’ hold up?” reviews. While we must be wary of presentism and acknowledge the context in which content was produced, judging older media with fresh eyes is just as important as reviewing newer works.
- Reviews can be of any length, but should generally be under 1,000 words. Reviews over this length (which equates to about 5 minutes, according to Medium) may be subject to longer wait times for editing.
Inflexible House Rules
- All reviews will be published on Tuesdays. No exceptions.
Support the Editor
Reviewsday Tuesday has been run by yours truly, Casey Lawrence, since its first iterations as a tumblog and a playlist on my abandoned YouTube channel (third time’s the charm!).
Running a publication is a time-consuming volunteer activity. If you enjoy my work, consider showing your support by buying me a coffee. If you sign up using my referral link to get unlimited access to all of Medium, I receive a small commission.