avatarEugene Pierson


Resultant Mana

Just Because There Are Many Options for Friendships or Relationships in the World, Doesn’t Mean That Someone Whom You Don’t Like or You Find Awkward Is Easily Replaceable

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Promise you’ll remember me standing in a dress With red lips & rosy cheeks, never find another like me, When I might call you maybe since I see your halo. Then, we find it difficult to think of what else to profess. The world is quick paced yet forgiving if you’re a cute marshmallow.

Needing to journal for school never felt so essential over 2 years later — I hang on to these skills with a desperation, a perspiration that can’t falter. Even when some have romantic anticipation or certificate anticipation, Some of us only have exile anticipation — worried about our consecration, Our usefulness & exquisiteness — and when the exile will end in resolution.

But besides that, we can smile through our genuine confusion — For any type of Archduke Franz Ferdinand that gets an assassination Will definitely have repercussions felt elsewhere, even in Montana, And any period of observation will eventually have resultant mana.

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