
I look for rainbows, but skies are stormy and desolate. You stole your way into my body without invitation. Hiding in corners, hoping to remain undiscovered. Waiting for your opportunity to pounce.
Like a ravenous animal, snipping away for an opportunity to devour. You wait. And then you see your chance.
Parts of me rebel and unite with you in this aggression. And the skirmish is waged.
Thoughts of tomorrow are far away. Focus is on today, these moments that stand before me, getting through this curtain of pain.
Decisions are delayed to another day, when the mind is freed, when it can again think of blue skies.
Each second of each moment is slow to advance. Simple tasks become marathons of determination and grit. Prayers offered for relief to arrive from anywhere.
You depart only when you decide, I don’t have a say. When you’ve finally had enough, you exit as stealthily as you arrived.
I rejoice, but this is short-lived. I know you will return and I will summon my courage to face you yet again.

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