avatarJ.D. Harms



A Poem

Photo by Paul Blenkhorn @SensoryArtHouse on Unsplash

It’s going to take a lot of effort to continue, you said but I don’t see any continuity Evidence of blistered glued together buildings pockmarked and falling into their own mirrors The same house the same godsdamned house can turn out dressed like Pompeii But we don’t worry about the flooding up here even seeing more cold than we like to admit Fire goes on coating the highway and whatever it’s burning just goes black, not grey A dirt camouflage and the same happens again the field over with fresh manure The effort of swinging this leg forwards opens on the bracket of hopes I was keeping around I was trying not to hit the walls again, fingers like swollen braces climbing up the eggshell haze So redundant all this swirling noise and the effort it takes to get rid of it

J.D. Harms 2020

Chronic Illness
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