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Recognition From Other Writers Means Everything

Thank You Francisco Iglesias

Photo by Wan San Yip on Unsplash

We all need a cheerleader or two or a thousand as writers. Sometimes it can feel like you’re writing into the abyss when no one appreciates your work.

That’s why I must shout out Francisco Iglesias for mentioning my work in his recent article https://readmedium.com/08649338a6f2.

My writing journey on Medium has seen much adversity. Currently, I’m a full-time Master’s Student, which has taken a lot of my time and energy away from the Medium platform.

However, when I saw that my minimal writing output was recognized by another writer I was shocked and thrilled to know that my writing had made an impact.

This should encourage all writers to continue writing, even if they are going through a period of transition where their writing has taken a backseat.

Francisco Iglesias gave me the pat on the back I needed so I could give you the words of encouragement you need!

Writing is a marathon with no finish line. You have to keep going no matter what, even if your pace isn’t where you’d like it to be.

This post is meant to encourage you to do two things:

  • Give praise to other writers you admire.
  • Write your next post so you can receive praise yourself.

Here is a link to the article Francisco gave me recognition for https://readmedium.com/what-i-learned-after-i-made-the-most-income-ive-ever-made-last-month-on-medium-584996f3024c.

No matter what is happening in your life right now, know that someone is waiting to read your next great piece of writing.

Don’t let them wait too long for it!

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